Chapter 3

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After Belle and I had our little training hour, we went straight to lessons and I can not tell you how many people I had watching my every move. Seriously. It felt like I was being watched by the FBI's protection services all over again - only with teenagers rather than fully grown adults.. 

All I can hear on my walk to my first lesson, Spanish, are comments such as:

"I...Is that Robyn Jones?"

"She's so cool!"

"I wonder if I'm in any of her classes..."

"Why is she with Belle Black?"


Yes, I heard somebody hum at me like a piece of cheesecake. I just gave him a glare and afterwards I heard him say, "Mate, she is so into me."

I snickered to myself quietly.

A few people actually came up to me asking for a signature. I gave it to them - reluctantly - and they hurried off to show it to 'Kayla', whoever she is.

Anyway, after walking through the halls of the never ending stares, I finally end up at my first lesson. Belle and I walk through the door to see a class full of pupils turning their heads to face us immediately, all silent with disbelief. I look up at the teacher, who was also looking quite awe-stricken, but he soon clears his throat and points us to a pair of seats on a desk in the front row. We both sit down whilst I take in my surroundings, before saying to Belle, "This is the most creeped out I've ever been, and I once had to pretend to be a child prostitute to catch a man who slept with children under 15."

She laughs before realising that she should't be, and turns her attention to the teacher who's looking at something on his computer. I clear my throat loud enough for him to hear, but he doesn't seem to hear.

"Uh, sir?" I ask loudly. "Shouldn't we-"

"We only speak Spanish in this class, Ms. Jones," the teacher remarks, shaking his head and turning back to the computer. 

"Uh, ok... ¿No deberíamos empezar con la lección?" I ask again. (Shouldn't we begin with the lesson?)

The whole class looks at me bewildered. Even Belle and the teacher.

"¿Hablas español, Sra. Jones?" The teacher asks.

"Fue uno de mis primeros idiomas." (It was one of my first languages.)

All he says is "Hmph" and continues on his computer. Well that was rude.

Everyone in the class goes back to chatting quietly and whispering until I've had enough.

"Señor! Creo que debemos llegar a la lección de hoy." (Sir! I think we should be getting to the lesson now.)

The man huffs again and turns to me with a grim look on his face. "Sra. Jones, creo que digo cuando comenzamos la lección gracias mucho. No necesito que me digas cómo ejecutar mis lecciones."  (Ms Jones, I believe that I say when we start the lesson thank you very much. I don't need you telling me how to run my lessons.)

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