Chapter 4

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⁓ Narrator's POV ⁓

Over the next couple of weeks, it had been just the same for Robyn as her first day; except with different lessons. She had been doing well in all of her classes, and she had even been getting straight A*s. She made a lot more friends, but Belle was still her number one girl. She had shown her all of the secret doors in the school, as well as finding a new one in the floorboards of the gym; that one was probably Robyn's favorite one, but only because it's the most handy for when she was training in the morning. You know, seeing as she wasn't allowed in there.

Robyn and Belle were on their way to fighting and defence, when suddenly, a deafening screach filled the crowded hallways. It took a second or two for her to encounter what was happening, but was knocked out of her trance by the sight of the hallways turning red. The sirens on the wall were flashing madly, as the screams from the pupils made the noises around her worse and far more petrifying. Everybody was running into class rooms, looking for the help of teachers, but strangly, there were...none. There wasn't a single sight of an adult around them. Robyn left Belle looking startled and ran to her mother's office, banging in her door furiously, before opening it to find nobody there. She knew that this was bad, very bad, so she slammed the door behind her and took a look around, looking for clues on where she may of be.

On her desk was nothing; None of her piles of paper or folders and none of her emergency guns or knives. Robyn opened all of her draws in the desk to also find nothing, but as she turned back around for the door, she stopped in her trackes by the sound of more screams in the hallway.

She opened her mothers door slightly, and looked through the gap, to find a group of teenagers getting surrounded by around 5 men in black. They all had guns in their hands, and were pointing them direcly at the girls, making hand guestures which were telling them to shut up. They all pulled out a pile of rope from a cupboard to their left and tied up the girls, gagging their mouthes so they didn't scream so much.

Robyn eyed their suites; they were black, and had a plastic looking texture to them. This was strange to her, seeing as she had never come across these types of suites before. But that was when it hit her. Those suites weren't ordinary suites; they were JENTO suites, developed to look stronger and meaner. JENTO suites were these big black costumes made out of the finest metals in the world. It was almost impossible to kill someone in a JENTO suite, but it was fairly easy to knock them out, according to Robyn's past experiences.

Once these mistery men had tied up the girls, Robyn took action. She ran up to the closest man who was facing away from her and she jumped on his back, grabbed his gun, and smashed it into his head, causing him to fall to the floor unconcious. She kept a firm grasp on the gun as the other men ran towards her. Robyn smacked the gun against the first mans face and round house kicked him in the head, before throwing him onto another two men. She took this as an opportunity and threw two kicks on the mens heads, knocking them unconcious. The last man stood still, looking from his fellow fighters to Robyn in shock. They both stood there for about 8 seconds, before Robyn took action. She dropped the gun in her hands and ran up the wall, before back flipping on to the man, pushing him to the ground. He let out a large grunt of pain before Robyn grabbed the fire extinguisher on the wall beside her, and knocked it on his head.

All five men were lying unconcious on the ground. 

Robyn got off the attacker and ran to the group of girls who were tied up. She grabbed the knife she hid in her boot and cut the rope, earning a lot grateful words and gestures from the girls who were shocked to the very core. Wasting no time, Robyn dragged all the men to the cupboard and threw them in, tying them to the doors. 

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