Chapter 2

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Your POV:

   I finished the breakfast I made for my young mistress and went to wake her. I opened the door and pushed the cart with her breakfast on it into the room. "Young mistress. It's time to wake up." I said as the curtains opened.

   I looked over to see Sebastian opening the cirtains. I silently sighed. "I will be changing my mistress now. May I ask you to leave?" Sebastian smiled and nodded, then closed the door as he left.

I dressed my young mistress as she spoke about the things we were going to do today after she does her business.

We walked out and headed to the door. When we were at the staircase we walked down but got stopped by the earl himself.

"Lady McElroy. I was taught how to dance the Viennese Waltz. I would like to try out my skills with someone who is talented for dancing, and I've heard you have won a decent amount of awards for your dancing." My young mistress smiled and nodded her head once as she took the earls hand and the music for the waltz began.

I watched as they glided across the floor. Soon I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned my (e/c) cat like eyes to see who tapped on me. "(Y/n) (l/n) could I have this dance?" I saw Sebastian hold out his hand as he asked me. I smiled and accepted. It was going to be a few more minutes till the waltz ended anyways, so why not?

I had one of my hands on his shoulder and one of his hands was on my hip as the other two were held together. We glided on the floor of the room as well as the two young nobles. As the waltz ended I was about to back away but instead went backwards as Sebastian held me up and his lips landed on mine. I was shocked at first but soon relaxed into it.

We heard a cough that asked for attention as we soon parted and looked to the two nobles. I could still feel the lingering of his lips as we parted. My face dusted a light pink as Sebastian smirked.

I stood straight and he let me go. "Sorry young mistress." I said bowing my head. She only smiled as I looked back up.

"Sebastian bring them to their carriage. Lady McElroy that was a wonderful dance." The young earl said as he began walking off to his study.

We were lead to the carriage and I took Sebastian's hand to get in. I felt a shock of electricity go through me as I took his hand and felt my dark heart beat once but loudly. My young mistress took the butlers hand as well and sat beside me. "Farewell." Sebastian said as he closed the door to the carriage.

We sat and waited for the carriage to start heading back to the McElroy manner but the door opened once again revealing the butler of phantomhive. "I'm sorry but it seems one of your horses has gotten sick and won't move off of the ground. You will have to stay here for a while longer." Great.

As we walked back towards the manner I saw my mistress smirk evilly. What was she up to? I thought as we continued walking. Out of no where my mistress slips and grabs a hold of the bottom of my dress and rips it as I caught her. I let out a surprised squeak and try pulling the bottom of my dress down now that it shows my thighs.

   Sebastian turned to look at what all the racket was about and when he looked at me I saw his eyes go wide and turn a magenta color. He quickly looked away. "I will get you a new dress when we get to the manner miss (l/n)." Sebastian said as he lead us the rest of the way to the manner.

We got into the manner and he lead us to a room. He walked over to a wardrobe and pulled out a beautiful knee high (f/c) dress. I took it, still holding the bottom of my dress so it wouldn't reveal anything.

"I would like to speak to my servant so I will be in here with her." My young mistress said as she sat down on a nearby couch. "Yes Lady McElroy." Sebastian said as he bowed then left the room closing the door behind him.

"So I know you like him." She stated as she came over to help me get the new dress on. "Young mistress like I've said before demons cannot love." I said that even though I felt that I just might be wrong on the inside. "Is the phantomhive butler a demon also?" She asked. "Yes. M'lady." I replied.

   "Well. Demons can't love demons?" She asked as she pulled the dress up for me. I slid my arms through the arm holes. "I never thought of it that way M'lady. But I don't think so." I said as I turned to face her after she finished zipping the dress for me. "Yes. You think so." She said smirking. I smiled at her and nodded my head. "Now M'lady, may I ask you to not rip another dress on purpose." I asked smirking. She laughed nervously and scratched the back of her neck. "You found out." I chuckled at her behaviour. "Yes. Now we shouldn't keep them waiting." I said as I opened the door for her.

   She walked out as did I and Sebastian was waiting for us. "The earl would like to speak to the young mistress." He said as he did a closed eyed smile. "Alright. (Y/n), go do something to help around the manner. I can find my way to his study. If you would Sebastian, could you give (y/n) something to do?" Sebastian smiled and nodded. "Yes M'lady, but are you sure you can find the way to my masters study?" He asked. "Yes." She replied reassuringly and heading in the direction to the earls study.

   I watched as she walked away. "Alright miss (l/n), we have some dishes to be done if you could go do those." Sebastian said as he motioned for me to follow.

   We reached the kitchen and I saw a guy with blonde hair and a cooking apron. "(Y/n) this is Baldroy, he is the cook of the manner. Even though he doesn't do it right." He mumbled the last part so we couldn't hear. "Hey." Baldroy said nicely. "Hello." I said as I smiled. Sebastian lead me to the sink and told me to start on the dishes.

   I soon finished the dishes and it was time to make dinner. I decided to make dinner but I didn't think to tell anyone. Put all the ready made dishes on the table and waited for the two young nobles to come in.

   They walked in and sat down. "Well miss (l/n) I didn't expect you to cook." The young earl said as he picked up his fork and took a bite. His eyes went wide as he swallowed the food in his mouth. "How did you make this?" He asked. "It was just a simple dish." I replied. "It taste wonderful." He said as he went back to his normal composture. I bowed my head and thanked him as they finished the meal I prepared.

   When they finished Sebastian joined me in cleaning the dishes. "I suppose your young master didn't know my true nature. I guess he isn't as bright as he seems." I teased Sebastian. "Yes, he didn't know about your true nature but he does now. For all it takes is one bite of food made from a demon and he knows what they are." He said smirking and washing the dishes as I dried and put them away.

   I put the last dish away and turned to go to my room. When I turned I was trapped between the counter and none other than Sebastian. "And I suppose your young mistress has talked to you about demons being in love with demons." He stated as he held my chin up with his thumb and index finger. "Yes's non-sense. That can't be true." He smirked. "But it is true." He said in a low tone. I was confused for a moment but the questions went away as I felt a pair of lips on mine.

   I kissed back but he soon backed away. "I'll see you tomorrow miss (l/n)." He said as he left the kitchen. I then left to go to my room and looked out of the window, waiting for morning to come.
(A/N): Here is chapter 2. Hope you guys enjoyed.

'Peace Out Girl Scouts'

Demons By Chance, Lovers By Choice: Sebastian X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now