Chapter 3 - last week

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TRIGGER WARNING TALKS ABOUT CUTTING (A/N the song is really good )

Dan and I have been dating for 3 weeks and today is my last week of college yay and then I get to buy a loft right next to Dan and phils anyways I will be living with mc and joe because they are dating yay lol well I jump off my ass and go to take a warm shower it is like 3 In the morning I just can't sleep I get out and go to my closet and find a blue crop top that says danousaour and grey ripped skinny jeans I go to the bathroom and put in my contacts and do my make up when I was finished it was only 4:30 so I went down to the kitchen in the building and ordered a banana nut bread and a coffé and a blueberry banana smoothie and went back to the dorm I gave jc her peice of bread and coffe and wrote her a note cuz she was asleep and I ate mine when I was done it was 5:40 I still had two hours until class I decided to go penny boarding so I threw on my blue vans and left I checked my phone to see it was 7:00 I hurried to get back and got straight to my class

Danhowell- * new image attached *

Starbucksbaby- awe Dan babe your so cute I love you so much

Danhowell- I love you more pass this exam baby I want u to come stay with me for the rest of the week and not have to go back until deploma day

Starbucksbaby- I will my love u might see the moving truck bringing my stuff over in the next house

Danhowell- it's already here lol

Starbucksbaby- bye baby gtg

Danhowell- byes

I took the test like normal I passed it thank the lord oh yeah I passed it

"Okay I need everyone attention " the teacher said
"Here is the list of people who may leave
Jordan .
Nick .
Kayla .
(Ect.) "

I left that place so fast I ran back to the dorm to pack up the stuf I was just gonna Cary on me when I walked in almost everything was gone I packed away my blades my pills my bandages my computer chargers makeup phone and all that stuff I walked into the bathroom to see a note from this really mean girl aka bitch Layla

Dear skank,
Go kill your self u smell like fish and your a fat ass ugly ass skank go drink bleach and I got u a Christmas present check ur tub u whore

Love , queen bitch

I looked in the tub and there was a box I opened it and inside were new fresh sharp blades hey at least this girl can pick out a good present I say to my self I pick one up and slide it across my wrist I watch as the blood drips down I clean my self after 5 more deep cuts I start to feel dizzy but catch my self

I go outside and I get my Keys and put it in my Lamborghini and drive to my new loft I walk inside and see all the boxes spread out I run up the stairs to find the biggest room with the bathroom in it turns out the all have big rooms lol I choose one and Call Dan

"Hey baby what's up " Dan says
"Wanna come over and help me un pack and Cary stuff up stairs "
"Yeah I'm on my way princess "

Dan arived and helped carry the beds and dressers up stairs and then he went home cause it was really late I carried all my boxes up to my room I went to my bathroom and laid out my make up on the vanity I opened the mirror and put all my new blades there and flushed the old one I also put my tooth brush and tooth paste away I went to my closet and hung up all my clothes I also folded some shit and put it in the drawers when jc got home she helped me Carry up the tv stand and my desk I put my huge tv on it and put my lap top on the desk and put all my stuff to be an orthodontist in the desk drawers and I had to night stands next to my bed on them they had a place mat and a lamp and on one had a glass of water and pills and on another had my iPhone 6+ and its charger I decided to make myself a Twitter I finished making Twitter and followed all my friends and family and Dan and Phil I was just minding my own bussniess scrolling through Twitter when " queen Layla " wrote a tweet on my page that said did u get my note u nasty cunt ur so fat u little bitch go die already I was hurt very I ran into the bathroom 1 cut 2 cuts 3 4 now I was laying on the bathroom floor sobbing I decided to take a shower I sat in there for a good hour and jumped out I forgot my blinds were open in my room and I got a txt from Dan saying he likes the view I ran over and closed them I texted back and said I bet you do I went to my closet and got out a long tee shirt that was dans and I grabbed underwear and that's what I wore to bed I looked at my pills 2 for anxiety 1 for depression and 3 for sleep I took anxiety first depression next and sleep after that I ur end on the tv and watched Netflix I was watching the 100 I'm just gonna say this Bellamy is holly mother of god ( A/N I AGREE) I then drifted off into a deep sleep

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