"Get off of me Larry !" , my mommy screams. I was awaken by loud thumps on the walls coming from my mama and daddy 's room. I jumped as soon as
my door was being opened peeping my head from under the cover I noticed it was just Chase. I ran over to him " what's wrong Chase? " , I askednervously. Daddy beating on mama again , he say angrily . As soon as he said that I ran to the door trying to open it ,but he stopped me just before I
could open it. What are you doing?! We have to help her , I explained to him . We can't! He screamed. Remembering what happened last time we tried
to help her Daddy almost killed Chase , I remembered . "I'm scared", I tell Chase. I know Sarah , he says . Mama said we have to stay here and go hide
in the closet. He's drunk and if he gets to us he'll just try and beat us to death. "Where's my kids woman!", he screams . We didn't hear her answer ,
but we heard daddy punch her as hard as he could onto the ground. Causing me to get up and run into the front room . "Mommy"! , I screamed
crying. She wasn't moving so I thought she was dead. I'm just 8 and I didn't wanna lose one of the people I love the most. "I hate you!" , I screamed to
my daddy. "What you say to me girl?" He screams walking up to me. He punches me across my face and continue beating me over and over. I swear
I could see the light. My eyes were slowly closing as they were closing I heard a gun shot. Then my eyes finally closed.
Random18 years of age Sarah has been living a hard life for as long as she could remember. With her Daddy dying when she was just 8 and her brother Chase just 10 her mother didn't take it very well . Her mother has been beating on her for a long time, b...