Chapter 1 : The Big 18

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It was my 18 birthday today and I knew the turnup was going to be real. I was ready to throw this ass on anybody that was willing to catch it. Looking at my MK watch I noticed it was 5 o'clock. I was going

to kill Chris ass for not being on time for our date before tonight. Me and Chris decided to go to Red Lobster my favorite restaurant before my party tonight at Club Dime. He got me sitting at this table by myself waiting on his dog ass .

I sent him a simple text stating that I was going to beat his ass when I saw him. Getting up to leave not looking up I ran into a guy. " watch where the fuck.." , I say before looking at his face .

Baby when I tell you this boy was fine , oooowweee . He had dreads going down his back , beautiful lips , brown skin completion , tall , he reminded me of the rapper Future . Everybody knows Future

was my baby daddy , and here I am looking at a dude that look just like him . " Umm sorry I didn't mean to curse at you " , I state nervously . "aw you good lil mama" , he stated licking his

lips . I had to close my legs tight before the wetness between my legs dripped down on this restaurant floor . Wait what the fuck am I doing? I got a whole boyfriend and here I am wet over another

nigga. " well sorry again" , I say before exiting the restaurant doors. Getting into my car I got a text from Chris saying he was on his way to my house . I was still pissed at him and I was definitely going

to beat his ass at the house , saying a quick prayer that my brother wasn't home , because I didn't want to hear his mouth about having Chris inside . Hitting 60 straight to my house beating

Chris getting there I use my key to unlock the door . Entering the house I noticed it was quite so I knew my brother wasn't home . Knocking me out of my thoughts Chris opens the door without knocking

" hay baby happy birthday " , he say happily trying to kiss me . Don't hay baby me where the fuck was you at? You had me sitting in that restaurant by myself waiting on your dumb ass to get there . " Aww I

forgot we had a date " , he stated nervously. This nigga was lying through his teeth . He knew we had a date at 3 o'clock , because he texted me confirming the date. That's all it took before I hopped up punching him dead

in his shit making him leak blood from his mouth. I kept hitting him over and over he finally stopped me by pinning me up on the wall . " yo keep hitting me imma beat your fucking ass " ,

he say angrily . " wassup blood " , I say ready . He wasn't going to hit me , because he knew if he did Chase would kill his ass . " bruh you got me fucked up" , he say throwing me on the couch heading for the door .

"Where you think you going? You ain't leaving me! We aint done" , I screamed. " man watch out " , she stated calmly . I aint finna keep doing this with you girl, he say . "I'm tired of you blowing shit out of

proportion." he says aggravated. How was I blowing shit out of proportion and he was 2 hours late to our date? " Leave if you want I swear i'll be done with you" , I say as tears rush down my face. I was tired of him treating

me like I'm some hoe. I was one of the baddest females in this town , if you got with me you'll be lucky as fuck. Cause I didn't really to much care for these boys , I was worried about getting money.

" your never done with me " , he say before slamming my front door . he was right , I could leave if I want , but I just couldn't because I believed he'll change . Everybody didn't know what I saw in him ,

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