After getting snacks and buying 3 grams from the plug I head to Sarah and Chase house blasting One Thing by Kevin Gates , that's my shit onna hoot. Parking into the driveway of Sarah house I get the snacks and dope and head in the house. "biiiittttccchhh " , I scream while walking in. " I'm up here hoe " , she screams. Walking into her room I smelled weed along the way. This bitch ain't slick she knew she had weed . I guess she just wanna match ol well I need it anyway . "hay hoe " , I scream once making it into the room. " mannnneee wassup " , she says slurring her words while holding a bottle of Henny. " Chase gone beat your ass , you know he'n like you drinking and shit " , I say laughing.
"fuck him he ain't my daddy " , she slurs. " girl he yo daddy " , she winks . " nah imma grown ass woman " , I say . "Nah he gotta be the way you be screaming that shit when he blessing you. " , she says laughing and reminding me back to when we was having sex for like a whole day all over the house. "haha fuck you " , I says laughing. Chilling in Abby house we sitting down watching Netflix and catching up on the lastest drama. Abb ? , she says nervously. Wassup b? , I look at her. I think I like Carter bro, she smiles while putting her head down. You bitch , I knew it . Well he's a good man , I say. You know him and Chase been friends every since they was walking. Hmmm , I never knew about this honestly, she looks surprised. I never met him until the day he came to my party bro. Chase always lies to me! Or try to hide shit from me , she gets loud. You know when I seen my moms today in that hospital I was so fucking surprised. She said Chase been helping her for 3 months now , she says she's clean. Ion believe shit she says! Chase just like her hell , she pouts. He told me she didn't want any help and he couldn't find her . Like why lie ? , she says looking confused. He probably just wanted to protect you Sarah. , I say looking at her. Look sis I know you hate your mom for all the pain she put you through , but that's still your mom Sarah , I say lowly. No matter what in the past she's still going to be your mom. She loves you , she just had a hard way of showing it when you was little , I tell her straight forward. No fuck that , she says. I hate her , she made my life a living hell every since my dad passed . You know that so why are you taking her side ? , she mugs me. Girl I'm not taking her side , but my mom always said you're never to good to forgive. God forgive you every time you do something wrong , why can't you forgive her ? , I say loudly. Because I'm hurt Abby that's why ! , she says as a tear falls down her face . Look Sarah I'm not here to hurt your feelings at all I love you and I want the best for you, I say getting closer to her on the bed so we was side by side. I think you , chase , and your mom should have a little talk together just so y'all can get a little understanding, I say looking at her. Hell no ! , she screams. We will just end up fighting my temper and her temper in one room equals a big brawl. Look take it in consideration sis it might turn out completely different than what you think , I say smiling. If it's going to end like it did in the hospital I don't wanna talk , she says crossing her arms. "SARAH!" , I say loudly and serious. Fine , she finally says after a few seconds. Just think about it sis . Already have , she says turning the tv up loud and breaking down the gar.
Sitting in my room there's several thoughts going through my head. It's been a couple of days every since Sarah was in the hospital. I'm pretty sure she's been released from the hospital because her bruises wasn't that bad. They beat her bad but not that bad. I know I should have never fucked her homie but she pushed up on me so I took it . I've been in my room for at least 3 days every since I texted her I'm sorry and that I didn't mean to hit her . She never texted me back so I knew our relationship was completely over and that I was going to receive a visit from Chase pretty soon. Now before I even got with Sarah everybody warned me about her big brother. I wasn't worried about it because every fight I got in I always won. When my homeboy Tee laced me up on who her big brother was Ian want no problems. That nigga crazy and he really will kill my ass. I ain't grow up in the hood how they did. I'm from a wealthy family . My dad is a lawyer and my mom was a full time nurse. So my parents wasn't pretty much at home at all. I was the only child so I was spoiled. Captain of the basketball team and all . now that we graduated a few months back I'm looking for a job until I start school in the fall. Getting up from my bed I went down stairs to see if my mom cooked some food. Looking in the kitchen it was empty . Looking in the refrigerator it was empty too. " yeen never got none in this house " I screamed. Now I gotta go out to eat like any other day because my mom always complaining on how tired she is to cook. Times like this I wish I was still with Sarah so she could fix me food and we can just vibe . I miss how shit use to be. Sending her a quick text telling her that I love her and asking her if I could come see her later so we can work these things out. Walking out the front door , locking it, I hop in my car , backing out the driveway , and hopping on the freeway heading to the nearest In and Out burger to get some food , I turn my music on blast.
Yo wassup , I speak to Carter while walking into his office. Wassup nigga, he say dapping me up. Look the drop went well the other day , the crack was legit . Alot of the workers selling out of the shit this is crazy, he says shaking his head. Isn't that what it's supposed to do ? Sale nigga, I laugh. I mean I knew it was going to sell but not as quick as it is now I think somebody is taking from us, he states getting serious. Well if they are they know they gone die and they family is too ! , I state getting mad. Look we have a drop tonight around 2 am . Be at the warehouse around 1 AM so we can recount all the money to make sure it's all ready for the drop , he says sitting down at his desk . Didn't we just have a drop two days ago? , I state looking confused. Look bro we sold out in two days we need more merchandise and connects, he states. If the crews is selling the product like hotcakes we need more merchandise. It's weird that the crews is all of the sudden out of the merchandise when we just restocked two days ago. If these niggas is stealing I'm killing them , I say in my head. Receiving a phone call it reads " mom " across the screen. Letting Carter know I'll be there around 1am tonight I dap him up before leaving his office . " yo " , I answer the phone. Son we need to talk asap , my mom says angrily and sadly through the phone. Mom what's wrong ? , I say getting concerned. She asked if I can come over so we can talk . I sigh and tell her I'll be there in 15 mins. How worst can my life get. Sending a text to Carter to have everybody at the warehouse at 1 AM tonight. I was going to get to the bottom of this shit. You steal from me, you steal from my family, And nobody going to get away with that.
Having that talk with my babygirl Sarah was so heartbreaking . I understand that I was wrong for making her life a living hell , but even after all that shit went down with her father I always taught her about God and how it's only right to forgive. The night her father died I lost myself and my bestfriend. Yes , he use to beat me til I was blue sometimes but it doesn't matter he still was the love of my life. Now I know what you're thinking , why would I choose my husband over my child ? Well , because he was the only one making me happy and bringing in that check. Once I had Sarah he stopped beating me. Then one day we were in the process of losing our house and car. It upset him to the point he decided to have a drink so all his problems could go away. I don't understand why he decided to do that because he knows when he drinks he's not himself. Looking up at my bedroom wall I'm so sad and I haven't talked to Chase every since he told me Sarah got beat up pretty badly. I told her that her mouth of hers was going to get her whooped one day. When she was little I use to always have to go to her school and get her because she always was affiliated with gang members and was always fighting. Knocking me out of my thoughts I dial my son number . " yo " , I hear him say through the phone just like how his father use to say . " Chase we need to talk " , I tell him on the verge of crying . " what wrong mama ? " , he says concerned. Even after all I did to them Chase always did forgive and love me. I loved my baby boy because he always got the shit that was going on. I forgave him even after he killed his father. I know he didn't mean it he was just trying to help me so I forgave him , and got on with life. " son can you please come over so we can talk " , I say sadly. " yeah mama I'll be there in 15 mins" , he says. He's going to be upset that I went to the hospital to talk to Sarah but oh well he gone have to get over it . I had to go see her and get things off my chest even though it didn't last how I thought it would. 15 mins later I hear a knock on my door. I walk up to the door and take a deep breathe because I knew Chase wasn't going to be happy with what I'm about to tell him. " wassup mom you straight " , he says looking all serious. " yes son come in" , I say after hugging him. Sit down , I demand. " what , spit it out , he says. Look I went to the hospital the other day to see Sarah , I say looking at him. " what the fuck mom " , he says looking at me. Look boy watch yo damn mouth I'm still yo mama ! , I say loudly. " mom why you do it I told you to give her some space for now , he says . Look I couldn't help it I haven't seen her in years I just wanted to see her pretty face and apologize to her , I say sadly. And how did that go ? , he says tilting this head. " bad " , I say with my head down. " I told you ! , he says rubbing it in my face. " she hates me Chase , I say. No she don't she just stubborn and like to stay in the past. That's exactly why ion tell her shit about you because all she gone say is she don't care, he say getting up. I just want her to know I'm sorry and that I love her Chase that's it , I say. Look ma imma tell her when I get home , he says. I haven't been there in like 3 days. I been working a lot. " Mmmmhmm what type of work " , I say looking at him with my eyes sequenced up. " work ma " , he says with his head down. You better not be moving weight either ! , I scream. I taught you better than that , I say pinching him. " owww " , he screams. Look I gotta go , I'll check on you later , I love you , he says while kissing my cheek. " boy you heard me play with me if you want I'll beat dat ass you ain't yo old to get yo ass beat , I scream as he walks out. " I love you be safe , I scream just before he closes the door.
Pulling up to jacy house I hop out and knock on the door. Now if you remember jacy is the broad i use to fuck with. She got to fighting with Sarah in the club on her birthday and I still haven't had the time to check her on that. " hay daddy you miss me ? , she says sexily tryna kiss me. " bitch is you crazy " I say getting mad because this ho really tried to kiss me. " what I do ?" , she says confused. " look why the fuck you come to the party acting out like we together or some? , I say angry . " nigga don't come at me like you crazy you should keep yo hoes in check , she screams. " hoe you the hoe she ain't no ho so don't come for her " , I say back. " awww cute you defending the lil ugly broad " , she says laughing. " man like I said don't be walking in the place acting like you own shit cause you don't broke ho " , I say getting close to her. " Oooo I like when you mad she says getting closer. This bitch is crazy bro. " man watch out foo you tweaked out " , I say pushing past her to the door. I done had enough of this crazy ass ho. I always did end up with the craziest ones bro. Walking out the door I remind her to watch herself because Sarah will really rock her shit again. Getting into my car I head to Wing stop to get Sarah favorite wings and head to her house. Knocking on her door Chase opens it. " what you want nigga " , he says . " nigga lemme in the fuck " , I say pushing pass him. " if you tryna fuck my sister you can gone on imma beat yo ass " , he says loudly. " Nigga I ain't tryna fuck shit , get off my dick , I say shrugging him off. " yeah nigga aight she in her room with Abby , he says tryna take the wing stop from me. " nigga this ain't for you this for Sarah , I say grabbing the bag back . " nigga you tryna win her heart by buying her food " , he says laughing . " fuck you " , I say passing him. Knocking on Sarah door I hear her say come in. " Carrrttterrr " , she says getting up. " wassup ma I bought you food " , I say handing her wing stop. " wooow my favorite I fucks with you " , she says smiling . " more like she wanna fuck you ", I can hear Abby whisper. " shut the fuck up abby " , Sarah says . " man y'all crazy " , I say laughing. " well I'm just gonna go chill with my man " , Abby says getting up. " ew you meant to say go fuck him " , Sarah says while she shuts the door. " that's mean , I say sitting at her computer desk facing her. So I don't care , she says pouting . So why are you here you haven't been answering my calls at all ? , she asked. Man I been busy Sarah for real with work and shit , I say looking down. " where you work ?" , she ask. I work at a warehouse , I say looking away. I almost told her I move weight and I'm one of the biggest drug lords there is , but I remembered Chase wanted me to not tell her at all. " mmmhmmm " , I guess she says eating another wing. Look I didn't come to fight I just wanna chill and vibe with ya lil mama , I say looking up. " I really don't wanna argue either I'm tired my body is worn out from all this fighting , she says . I feel you , I feel you. I got a blunt you tryna blow ? , I ask her while taking out some weed. " now you know I love the dope " , she says . Well here come roll , I say handing her a gar and some weed. After we got done smoking we just chilled and watched throwback movies. Sometimes I wish I was in a relationship but other times I just wanna make money. Ion know what we gone be , but imma just go with the flow. Sarah gotta attitude problem , but she cool den a bitch. Plus I'll fix that attitude problem she got pretty soon. Put that dick in ha she not gone know how to act. Looking at my phone I got a text from Dre telling me somebody was stealing our product at warehouse 3 . I quickly replied back on my way. Getting up I noticed Sarah was sleeping. I quickly head out the door downstairs where Chase was. Nigga get up I tapped him lemme talk to you right quick . Somebody been stealing our product nigga , Dre just hit me , I say getting angry. Let's go handle that nigga , he say grabbing his strap. He went back in the front letting Abby know he had to go take care of some , and to make sure she keep a close eye on Sarah . Walking out the door with Chase we hop in the car heading on the freeway doing 80 somebody gone die tonight, on my dead mama.

Разное18 years of age Sarah has been living a hard life for as long as she could remember. With her Daddy dying when she was just 8 and her brother Chase just 10 her mother didn't take it very well . Her mother has been beating on her for a long time, b...