Chapter 4 - A New Case and A New Friend

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Allie's POV

We caught the guy who was killing the women pretty easily. Turns out it was the manager's wife. She had found out about the affair, and had hated the woman for it. When she killed Mandy, she felt like she had to kill more people that had cheated on husbands or boyfriends. She was safely in prison and not on the streets. None of the team was harmed, thank goodness, from chasing her.

I go to the mall to relax, thinking I need something to distract me from these cases. All of a sudden, I run into someone when I'm looking at my phone.

"Oh sorry miss. I didn't see you," a tall man says to me. He has dark hair and bright green eyes. I smile briefly before turning away. He grabs my arm gently and looks at my face. "I'm sorry, but did you ever live in Vegas?" he asks mysteriously. I don't know how to answer, but I don't think it hurts to tell him.

"Um yeah, back when I was a kid," I say. He brightly smiles.

"I think I remember you. My name is John. John Murphy." He sticks his hand out. I shake it briefly and smile kindly.

"Um, I have to go see a friend right now. It was nice talking to you," I lie.

"Wait, I was wondering, do you think we could maybe get coffee sometime? I wouldn't want to give up a chance to see a lovely woman like you again." He smiles again, and I look closely at him to try to get a brief profile. There doesn't seem like any harm in it. One date wouldn't hurt.

"Um, yeah sure. I'll give you my number." He gives me a piece of paper, and I write it down.

"I'll call you," John says, smiling before turning around. That was weird. People don't come up to me and randomly want to go on a date. "Wait, I didn't get your name!" he calls from a couple yards away.

"It's Allie. Allie Gates," I say. He tips an imaginary hat in my direction and walks away.

A couple of days later, we're working on boring paperwork when a delivery man with flowers comes to my desk.

"Ma'am, a man dropped this off for you. Said you knew who he was. There's a card inside the flowers," the man says in a bored tone. I open the little white envelope in the flowers. "Thinking of you. ~John" it says. I'm shocked he remembers me. It has been a few days since I saw him, and he never called or anything. My cell phone rings in my purse, and when I pull it out, it's an unknown number.

"Hello?" I ask cautiously.

"Hey it's John from the mall. Did you get my flowers?" he asks kindly, and I can hear the traffic in the background. He must be right outside the building.

"Oh, yeah they're beautiful thank you," I say graciously.

"Not as beautiful as you," he compliments, and I can feel my cheeks turn red.

"How did you know where to send them?" I ask.

"Oh, well I researched your name, and it came up that you were an FBI agent. Pretty impressive," he says. That's pretty normal to hear. If you look up any of the agents' names, you'll find a bunch of stuff on them. Mostly just things the FBI wants to know, but never anything like addresses or personal information.

I laugh lightly before I answer. "Oh okay. That's fine." I can hear him sigh through the phone.

"You're not mad?" he asks. I laugh again.

"No, not really. It's easy to find me online since I work with the BAU."

"Oh, that's good. That you're not mad, not that it's easy to find you," he stutters. Hotch signals us to come into his office.

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