Chapter 11 - The Past Can Haunt You

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Spencer's POV


"What are you doing, nerd?" Lacey asks me. I coward back towards my locker.

"I-I'm just getting some of my books," I squeak. She laughs cruelly at me.

"I have some visitors for you," she says, as all the footballers come around the corner. I flinch, knowing what is coming. They all smile at my fear. They form a semi-circle around me, with only a tiny opening. They're challenging me to try and get through. All of a sudden, one of the guys gets hit in the head with something. They all turn around to see a freshman girl. I think her name is Allison Gates, Allie for short. Her long brown hair is covering part of her face, but she's really pretty with it down.

"What?" the captain asks, irritated.

"What the hell are you doing?" she asks fiercely. They smirk at her, thinking they can kill her confidence faster than a fly.

"Why does it matter to you? Do you have a crush on little nerd freak?" he ask tauntingly.

"At least I'm not so pathetic I have to pick on the smallest kid here," she spats at him. He narrows his eyes.

"Who do you think you are?" he demands. She stands up straight, coming up to about 5 foot 6 or 7. She's shorter than the captain, but she has a certain determination and anger in her eyes.

"I'm Allie Gates, 14 year old freshman and not a cowardly football player. Or asshole, whichever you prefer," she counters. He makes a move towards her as to scare her, but she just moves forward and slaps him in the face. Then she comes over to me and grabs my wrist. "If you excuse me, I'm going to go live my life. Have fun being worthless bastards." She leads me to a small back corner of the school. "Are you okay?" she asks.

"Oh, um, yeah, thank you for helping me," I answer quietly. She holds her hand out.

"I'm Allie. You must be Spencer Reid. I hear you're really smart," she says, and I immediately cringe. I bet she just wants help with homework.

"Yeah, so?" I say, with a slight edge.

"That's really cool. I've never met a person with an eidetic memory before," she answers, not the least bit turned off by my hostility.

"Oh, well thank you," I say, my voice a little louder.

"Where are you supposed to be this period?" she asks, curious.

"Just lunch," I answer.

"Do you want to sit with me and my friends?" she asks with a smile.

"Oh, uh, sure I guess if you don't mind," I say, following her. What I don't know is she would be one of my best friends. Not to mention the love of my life.

Present Time

I'm pacing back and forth in my living room, waiting for Allie to text me. It's already 11 o'clock, shouldn't they be done with the movie? Oh god, what if she changed her mind? What if she decided she doesn't want to be with me? John could be her ticket out.

I was full on shocked when she kissed me back in the hospital that day. I didn't even know what I was doing. She was holding my cheek, and I got this unexplainable urge to just kiss her and not hold back, even stronger than when we were in the club. Then we got closer and closer, and when I did kiss her, it was soft and gentle. I was so incredibly nervous because I wasn't sure why I was even making the move to kiss her. I'm not usually that forward. Ever. With anyone. But she made me feel so much...better. I can't think of a life without her now.

2 hours later, she still hasn't texted me. I know I don't have to work so I stay up, waiting for her. I'm starting to get a little impatient. I pick up my phone and text "How did the date go?" I wait 5 minutes, and she still doesn't reply. Is she mad at me for some reason? I don't think I did or said anything to make her upset. If I did, I will apologize a million times just to have her forgive me.

When the clock strikes 3am, I decide I should try and get some sleep. If she's not mad, she'll text me in the morning. And even if she is, she'll still text me saying why she's upset.

All day Sunday I wait, trying to get errands done, or some kind of paperwork from the last case, or anything to get my mind off of her. Suddenly, my phone rings. I grab it eagerly, but my excitement falls when I see it's just Garcia.

"What?" I ask a little harsher than expected.

"She's gone!" she screams. I stand up straighter when I hear her burst into tears.

"Garcia, what's going on? Who's gone?" I ask frantically.

"Allie, she's kidnapped, just like the guy said!" she sobs.

"Where are you?" I demand.

"The office. I had to come in to get something, and the delivery man said that something was sent to our team. No return address. It was a video, Reid. She was tied to the chair and," she says, trying to continue, but crying too hard to say anything.

"Garcia, I'll be there soon. I'll call the rest of the team," I say, already out the door with my bag and laptop.

"I already did. I couldn't tell you until I told everyone else. I wouldn't get to the others," she cries.

"Just wait, I'm on my way right now. We'll find her. We have to," I yell, tears coming to my eyes. How could this have happened? We were keeping tabs on her always. We knew where she had been for the past month. How could this bastard just whisk her away to some unknown location? I race down the streets, trying to get to the office as fast as I can.

Once I reach headquarters, I park in my spot and run up to the door. I flash my badge quickly to our doorman, and he lets me in right away. He must know because he looks sympathetic when he sees me. I choose to take the stairs instead of wait for the elevator, and it doesn't take long to get to our level. I'm panting and out of breath when I see the team looking at a package. JJ is the first to notice me, and she comes over to put her hand on my shoulder.

"Where's the video?" I ask desperately.

"Right here, Spence. We weren't going to watch it until you got here. Hotch, play it," she explains, looking at our leader. He takes the remote on the table and hits play. The screen is black before a light is turned on and we see Allie tied to a chair. The same voice that was in all the videos comes on, but no one appears.

"This is just a short clip, my dear FBI agents. The real fun begins at, let's say, 7 o'clock, Sunday night," the voice says. Hotch looks at his watch quickly.

"That's in just 10 minutes," he says quietly.

"When that time comes, or before that would be better, go to this website. Spencer, I'll wait a couple of seconds for you to get your little laptop out to type in this url," he says tauntingly. I whip out my computer quickly and open up the web browser. "Now type in That will bring you to your feature presentation. Make sure to get to that website. We wouldn't want you to miss any of the fun, now would we?" Then, Allie and the voice are gone.

*A/N: Do not type that web address above thinking you'll find something cool. I merely made that up*

"Reid, did you get that website?" Hotch demands.

"Yes, pulling it up now," I say tensely. JJ rubs my arm up and down, but it doesn't give me the comfort Allie doing it would. Once typed in, I pause for a millisecond before hitting enter. Up comes a live video page that at the top says "Plan 7 of Takeover".

"It's a live video feed. He wants us to see her, he wants us to see him hurt her," Morgan murmurs.

"Just like Tobias Hankel did," I whisper, piecing one part of this terrible puzzle together.

"Garcia, look up anyone related or close friends with Hankel," Hotch orders, and she clicks around on her laptop for a couple seconds.

"No one," she answers.

"Look in all the records, anything we may have missed. Old long lost siblings or friends. There has to be someone we looked over, dammit!" he screams.

"Sir, I'm trying the best I can. Please just, oh," she says, drifting off.

"Garcia, what is it?" I ask, trying to be calm.

"I'm so sorry I missed this, oh my gosh, oh," she cries, starting to sob again.

"Garcia, who has her?" Morgan growls, and he's never harsh with her.

"A man, Tobias Hankel's brother," she answers, sobbing near the end.

"Why didn't you find him before?" Hotch demands.

"He was off the grid. Gone, never to be seen since he was 15 years old. Then, since he made this website, he had to use a credit card," she explains through tears.

"Garcia," I say slowly, "What's his name?"

"Richard Hankel," she whispers. I slam my fists on the table.

"So this is what the writing meant by 'He will return'? That 'he' is this Richard, and it was saying he's coming back on the grid, just to kill Allie?" I scream.

"Reid, calm down. You don't think well when you're angry, and we need your brain most of all," Morgan says, laying a hand on my shoulder. I take a deep breath and close my eyes. But all I see is Allie, being beaten and hurt in that tiny little room, and I snap my eyes open.

"We need to find this son of a bitch. Now," I say, determined to find my sweet Allie. She will be found, he won't be able to leave much than a few scratches.

"Reid, who was the last person that saw her?" Hotch asks.

"That guy she was seeing, John Murphy," I answer quickly.

"Are you sure?" he asks.

"Sir, Emily, JJ, and I helped her get ready before she went to see him," Penelope says. He nods solemnly.

"We need to find him and bring him in," he replies. She looks like she's about to search for this guy's name when Rossi speaks up for the first time since I got here.

"Garcia, where was that credit card used?" he asks. She clicks around a bit before looking up.

"2462 Heritage Lane," she answers.

"That's what we'll have to go off of for now. There might be clues to her whereabouts at this house. Let's go. Reid, Garcia, stay here," Hotch orders. We nod, but secretly, I wish he took me with them. I don't want to see Allie being tortured. "Reid, she'll be okay. We'll find him before he can do too much damage," he whispers to me.

"How long did it take for you to find me?" I ask quietly.

"2 days," he answers after a pause.

"So he'll probably torture Allie for 2 days before killing her," I theorize. He nods in response.

"That's probably right," he agrees before walking out. I stand by Garcia's laptop. 3 more minutes until it starts. Right now, there's only a frozen picture of Allie tied to the chair on the TV, since we haven't taken the DVD out. I grab the remote and take out the disk. I can't see her like that longer than necessary. I know I have to watch it, so I can memorize every detail of the room. 2 minutes. I think of all the times we laughed together and held each other close. I miss her warmth, her smile, her laugh, everything about her. 1 minute. Most of all, I miss her kisses. Soft and sweet and loving. 10 seconds. I love you Allie. 5 seconds. We will come for you. Time's up, the video starts.

Allie's POV

Water slams down on me, waking me up effectively. I gasp for air as it rains heavily. It feels like I'm in the middle of a tsunami. I wonder if I am. Then, I remember what had happened before I blacked out. John, Plan 7 of Takedown, getting hit in the head with something hard, and blackness. I whirl my head around, looking for clues as to where I am. I'm glad he didn't blindfold me, but that means I'll see everything that happens.

"Well, well, well. You're awake. Good, the show starts in just a few minutes," an ominous voice calls.

"What the hell do you want with me?" I scream.

"Oh, don't you remember the videos? I don't want anything from you, I want to hurt your dear Spencer," the voice says. My mind flashes back to all the videos sent to me, declaring that he would kidnap me for the price Spencer had to pay.

"John, is that you? Did you really do all this?" I ask meekly.

"You should be able to figure it out," he says, and a video camera pops out of the ceiling. "This little session will be video taped so they can see you crystal clear as you die. Nothing but a small computer screen between them and you. What a shame."

"Why are you even doing this?" I cry.

"Oh, you'll figure that out. I'll tell my story soon, just like all of the good unsubs. But I want them to hear me. They will know this is real. The live video starts in about a minute. But let's get started now, shall we?" he explains tauntingly. A door opens behind me, and I feel cold hands run down my arms. I jerk forward, and a cruel laugh comes from the man.

"Why is this necessary?" I ask gently, hoping he will tell me something I can use.

"He told you, you have to wait!" he screams, smacking me across the face. I wince, it hurts, but not nearly as much as what is to come. "He needs to see blood, mind as well start the process."

All of a sudden, multiple painful stings come from all around me. I scream in pain, but it does nothing to stop him. My whole body is sore and most likely red. He lets the whip hit me in the face as a stinging pain shoots through my left cheek. I gasp and cry out, though I know no one will hear me.

"Is this painful? I'm sorry, I didn't notice," he says sarcastically. He smacks me again and again until he finally hits my mouth and it starts bleeding. The pain is almost unbearable, but that doesn't mean he's done now that there's blood. He goes back to lashing at my body until I feel something snap. I scream loudly, and start crying from the pain. I have a feeling he broke a rib, but I don't say anything since he's too busy with the camera. He aims it straight at me and looks me in the eye. He's wearing a black ski mask that covers everything but his eyes. That's when I notice his eyes aren't bright green, they're clear blue.

"Did you get colored contacts or something?" I ask him. Then, I realize when he speaks, he doesn't have John's voice either. "Wait, who are you?" He laughs with a bitter voice.

"John hired me to do the pain part, or at least to get you bleeding and screaming. Then, he's going to take over. He's in the control room right now, setting up the video feed," he says, and I shiver. So this guy was hired to hurt me? Because John wouldn't, or couldn't, do it himself?

"Camera's set up, boss," he calls.

"Good, you can come in here now. And don't touch anything," the ominous voice growls. The mysterious man walks back out of the room. A red light turns on the camera, and I imagine that means the team can hear and see me now.

"Spencer? Garcia? JJ? Can you guys hear me?" I cry. I can see in my mind Garcia starting to cry and Spencer close to losing it.

"Quiet!" the voice yells. "You do not speak unless permitted!" There's a clicking noise, and in walks John, dressed in all black but without the mask.

"Hello dear," he purrs. I try to move in my seat to squirm away, but my energy leaves me when I start being hit. John turns to be full on the camera. "And hello, Penelope and Reid. Where's everyone else? Trying to find my location?" He laughs with amusement. I wonder how he knows only Garcia and Spencer are watching. "That's not possible. This little thing will be dead by the time you find her." He reaches out to stroke my cheek, but I turn and bite his hand hard. He yelps and jumps back. John sneers at me, and slaps me across the face. He looks at a device in his hand, then shows me the screen. It's Spencer and Garcia on a video feed.

"Don't touch her, you sick bastard!" Spencer screams, slamming his fists on the table.

"Oh, didn't I tell you? I skyped them not long after the video started so I could see their reactions," John comments.

"Spencer, please, calm down. I'm okay," I croak out. He must be able to hear me because his eyes fill with sorrow. His mouth opens to respond when John punches me in the stomach, very close to the rib that broke. I cry out in pain again, and that makes Garcia start crying.

"Okay? Okay?" John screams in fury. "You should be in pain, saying your last goodbyes, and you're telling him to calm down and that you're okay?" He punches me again and again, one time getting so close to my broken rib I scream as loud as I can. He notices, and pokes me hard right below the rib. I gasp, and he does it again, a little higher, right where it's broken. This time, I scream and begin to cry.

"Did you break your rib?" he asks, the voice I met the first time speaking .

"Your little servant did," I spat. He punches the wall.

"He wasn't supposed to!" he scream. I flinch back, afraid he'll hit me again. I just have to hold onto the hope that Spencer, Garcia, Hotch, my team, will find me.

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