Chapter 2

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Old Maid it turns out is not a game of skill. There are forty-five cards in all and at the beginning of the game someone deals them all out into piles. Five piles for five players, seven piles for seven players... and so on. The piles are your hand. The cards are all named ridiculous things like Mama Maria, Gardner Green and Jumping Jane. Everyone looks through their hands and find all their pairs, once they all find their pairs we each take turns drawing cards from the person to the right of us. Every time we draw and we get a card that makes a pair we put that pair down with the others. The first person who has no cards wins. The Old maid is the only card without a pair so in the end if you have the old maid and it is the only card left, for it has no pair, you lose.

"I am once agin the Old Maid." Says Kitty frowning. "This is boring there is no skill." I say "True," Says Jen, "But there are omens."

"Like?" I challenge. "Like if you get the pair of Jeff the Chef or Old Salty you have extreme good luck." Says Liam. I snort. "You can say what you want, but it's true." I try my hardest not to laugh. "And if you get Bartleby the Banker on the first round your lucky, but if you get him on any round after your doomed." Says Jen. "Graduate Jack is very bad as well." Says Tofu.

I see some guys playing a card game with colored chips a few tables to the right. They all start laughing and a girl with blue hair and green eyes comes over to the table and puts one of the mens full piles of chips in. He laughs and takes the pile out all expect two chips. They go around the table and two men put their cards in the center and the rest put two chips in as well. A muscular man with black hair and tattoos of shapes all up and down his arms stets two cards in a line in the center of the table along with some other cards that are already there. The man too his left knocks on the table as does the man next to him. The third man place seven chips in the center and everybody but one buts their cards down. The man who placed the seven chips shows his hand to the man who matched his seven chips and the firs man takes all the chips in the middle while the table is cleared of all cards and the man with the shape tattoos gives two cards to everybody.

"Can I play that?" I ask, "It looks like it takes actual skill." Liam starts to laugh,"I think you should know how too walk before poker." He says. So that games called 'Poker'. "So, what now?" I ask. Jen had left for what Liam had called."Well I'll let you deal with that," Says Vince, leaving. Liam walks over and picks me up. "What now?" He asks me. "Tattoo." I say.

He starts to carry me up the purple stairs. At the top I see rooms. Along hallway and just rooms. He walks down them and I try to read some of the signs on them. I recognize words like The , like, some, too, now , fun an d pet. But not much. I suck at reading.

Liam brings me into a room. Probably the tattoo studio. The room is small and square. There are three dark red waiting chairs and two light blue tattoo chairs. A girl stands above a man who is lying on his back, his shirt off. She holds a tattoo needle and is drawing a tree on the mans back. Liam goes up too a second man who is just sitting around. "Can she get one?" Asks Liam nodding his head at me. "Sure, what would you like?" Asks the man, he sounds very kind. "I think I'd like a gazelle on my shoulder." I say. The man tells me too lay down and and peal off my over shirt. I do reveling my black spaghetti strap under shirt. On my left shoulder I decided I wanted a gazelle and on my right shoulder a Lion. The circle of life.

* * *

"And this," Liam says, "Shall be your room, enjoy!"

He sets me down on the bed. The rooms it turns out, are on the third floor. I have room C19 with Liam across from me and Sky to my left down the hall in E7 and E9 are Tofu and Vince and Kitty and Jen share C11.

The room has all white walls and a bed with black sheets. I have a bathroom and a fan and a desk. The desk is black glass and the chair is regular clears glass. The floors are black glass. Liam shuts the door and sits next to me on the bed. The place where the tattoo needle was still kinda stings. "Why are there two other buildings?" I ask.

"We like to organize our selves here ," He says. "Building one are called the descendants. The people there parents were saved from there cassels or spheres as you call them. There parents had it rough, you could say. Building two is the Wanderers. The wanderers are just people we've found lost in the woods or just wondering around. And us; Building Three. We are called The Found. When we were babies before transfer one and two from our cassels we were taken by the descendants, because thats the descendants jobs to get us, and brought to the wanderers who cared for us until we were ten and we started to live as founds in here."

"Wow." I say. "Yeah, the way to tell the difference is descendants are all clean pretty and act like spoiled brats, but do there job well. The Wanderers are mostly men. They are all older too and they are kind. Wanderers are the best. The found are us; you've seen us. We like to ruin our ruined bodies and play games. Our job is too not get the others way, basically. We don't really have a job I guess the others think we're insecure or something. I don't know. "

"In the generation 4970s this group was made. probably around....4974 Since then we basically made our selfs an organization to help the poor souls that are stuck in cassels. We just decided I guess that we should make buildings and be apart like this.. I mean I kinda like not having to be stuck with the bratty Decedents." Organized isn't the right word, separated is. United we stand, Divided we fall. "What's so bratty about the Descendants?" I ask. "Well, they think there're amazing and that they do everything for he buildings and that The Found are stupid and can barely speak their own name without looking like and idiot." Liam answers. "Wow," I mumble.

"They also smell like hell!" Someone shouts from the other side of the door. "Decedents are Gross." Liam gets up yo open the door for whoever is on the other side. I feel so useless. Jen stands in the door way.

She changed out of her black tank and is now wearing a light brown shirt . The sleeves of her shirt fall of her shoulders and the backs comply light brown lace. When she turns her back to shut the door behind her I can see the back of her black bra and a large tattoo of a tree. The tree is blooming light green leaves and little flowers. Birds sing in the trees branches and a deer stands at the trees's base eating it's roots. The words, "Peace, love and nature" are tattooed above the tree. She is waring olive green cargo pants like me.

"They don't really smell." Says Liam. "You're just over reacting." Jen chuckles, "No, they do smell. There souls smell but not their physical being, dumbo." Liam pretends to stroke a bread in deep thought. "True, oh great reader of sprits." I laugh. "You're just jealous that you can't see into peoples souls." Jen says. " Like how I can see right now you're thinking about how you still have not gotten over me." Liam's face goes bright red and he lunches himself at Jen. Jen knocks him back and sprints down the hall, Liam follows yelling. Leaving to just sit here, helpless.

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