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"Homework is page 34 chapter 3. Class dismissed" Mr. Wood said as the class flooded out of the classroom.

I grabbed my book bag, flinging it over my shoulder and grabbing my phone from my pocket.

"Nadia" my teacher called.

I spin around, hoping I wasn't in trouble. Looking back, I couldn't recall doing anything wrong that I could possibly get in trouble for.

Mr. Wood must have noticed the panic on my face "Don't worry, I would just like to congratulate you"

"What for?"

"Well for getting the highest mark in the class on your test" he smiled.

"Oh um thanks" I replied

"Ok, you may go" He shooed me off.


"Have you seen him? How can one person be so hot?" My friend exclaimed as she looked at the picture that was on her phone screen.

"Why do you have a picture of him?" I whined, chucking my soda into the trash.

It was Friday and we had school, as usual. Me and Kristen had eaten lunch in our normal spot in the cafeteria and were now walking back to our lockers for next class. Some how we had gotten onto the topic of boys, we are girls after all, and that led to the schools bad boy. Harry Styles.

Kristen lazily shrugged her shoulders and continued to tap something on her phone.

"There he is" I heard Kristen whisper next to me.

I turned to see what Kristen was talking about which im pretty sure I already know what she is talking about, boy was I right.

There at the middle of the hallway, was him.

Harry Styles.

His long curly hair, which people thought was sexy, was messily brushed back out of his face, his eyes were a dark forest green that seemed to change depending on his mood, in other words they were normally dark, his un normally pink lips were drawn into a smirk as he walked with confidence down the whole hall, knowing every girl in the school was gawking at him, a black circular lip ring was around it. His shirt hung dangerously low on his chest, revealing some of the tattoos he had. He rolled up his sleeves, revealing his arms that were inked with pointless tattoos.

I'll admit, he was attractive.

But looks can be deceiving. Harry wasn't a nice guy. Actually, he was the polar opposite. He was rude to anyone who so much as looked at him, besides girls he liked of course, he was a jerk to every nerd in the school, including me.

Harry and I have been neighbours since graduation, and sadly neither of us moved. No, I dont have my own house, we live in apartment buildings that are next to each other, and our rooms just happened to be next to each other, so whenever I look out my window, I can see into Harry's room, and its not pleasant. Normally it was filled with empty pizza boxes, drunken energy drinks and clothes scattered everywhere. Ok I sound like a stalker.

The day Harry moved in I met him by our mailbox's when I was checking the mail, I had said 'hi' being the nice person, instead he glared at me and called me names I probably shouldn't repeat.

Since then our hatred for each other grew and now we can't so much as look at each other without a glare.

I turned back into my locker and began to get my books for next class.


"Please just go, everyone will be there" Kristen whined through the phone.

Drawing // Harry Styles FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now