Chapter 1

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As I start to wake up and I hear annoying beeping sound in the distance. I struggle to open my eyes, its feel like they've been glued shut. What the heck? I finally got my eyes to open and i began looking around. I'm in the hospital and im hooked to multiple machines. What happened to me? I start to panic and get up when I noticed someone sleeping in a chair beside my bed. I gasp when i got a better look at who it is. Its my best friend, Josh. He looked like hell. His hair was a mess like he hasnt showered in days, his clothes dirty and wrinkled like he never left that chair, and what worried me the most was how pale he is.

"Josh?" I said in a whisper, i cleared my throat "Josh." I said louder. He moved and his eyes slowly opened. His eyes were blood-shot and puffy like he'd beeen cryign. He looked around and then noticed me staring at him with a confused look on my face.

He jumped out of the chair and came down to give me a hug, "Oh my, god. Katie you have no idea how worried ive been. I've missed you so much, I got here as soon as i could and never left your side." he said in a whisper.

"Josh, whats going on?" I asked.

Josh stiffened in the hug and then slowly pulled back to look at me in the eyes. "You dont remember anything, do you?" he asked. I shock my head, still confused. He closed his eyes and sighed before slowly opening his eyes to look at me again. "Katie you were in a car crash. You've been in a coma for nearly three weeks." He said as his voice broke.

"What?" I gasped.

"I'm going to go get the doctor for you. I'll be right back." He said while kissing my forehead before leaving the room.

Josh and I have been best friends for as long as i could remember. We used to live in Texas but then I moved to New York and he moved to California. However, we never lost touch. Every summer we took turns going to spend the summer with eachother. We held hands and we would kiss eachother on the cheeck. Everybody thought we were together but it was always just that we were really close best friends.

Josh walked back in with a doctor trailing behind him. "Welcome back Ms. Stone. How are you feeling?" the doctor asked.

"Fine." I answered while nodding. "Whats going on? What happened?"

"Well it looks as if your suffering some memory loss. What was the last thing you remember?" The doctor asked. Why wont anybody tell me whats going on?!

"Picking up my brother from the airport. Why?"

"So you just don't remeber the accident." the doctor mumbled while nodding. He looked like he was about to tell me something but was hesitant.

"what?" I asked louder, getting annoyed. I looked up and Josh and noticed how sad he was, like he was about to cry but he was holding it in. Josh and the doctor looked at eachother, joshed nodded to him and then the doctor walked out of the room.

I was so beyond confused, what is it they arent telling me? "Josh, what is it? Tell me."

Josh bent down and took my hand adn started rubbing his thumb in a smoothing way. "Katie," he bagan and then looked into my eyes. "baby, you are the only one that survived the accident. Your parents and brother were instantly killed upon impact. I'm so sorry, Katie. You know I will always be right here by your side." He said while a silent tear ran down his face.

I stared at him in shock and began slowly shaking my head. "what? No! No, thats not true! How could you lie to me about something like this? They're not dead, They're fine." I said while trying to get up. But Josh had other plans and gently push me back down.

"I'm so sorry, Katie." He whispered while looking me in the eye. Thats when I broke down and started crying. Josh just pulled me into his chest and let me cry. He held me so tight like he would never let go. I cried until I fell asleep with Josh by my side.

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