Today is the day hang out with my bff

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Jalen:Today is the day I hang out with my bff liyah we going to the movies and the mall  so I about to get ready and call liyah an see if shes ready to go

Jalen:*call liyah*

Liyah:Hey bff

Jalen:sup bff


Jalen:Nothing getting ready to hang out with my bff wyd

Liyah:nothing getting ready and talking to u


Liyah: Yup how we going to get to the mall

Jalen: See if one of ur brothers can take us

Liyah: Ok hold on real quick

Jalen: ok

Liyah: *yell Austin*

Austin: What

Liyah:Can u take me and Jalen to the mall

Austin: Sure

Liyah: thx bro

Austin: u welcome sis

Liyah: He said yeah

Jalen :Ok u want me to come to ur house or u will come to house

Liyah: u can come to my house

Jalen: Ok

Liyah; Ok call me when  u come

Jalen: Ok bye luv u bff

Liyah: Bye luv u 2 bff *hang out the phone*

At liyah's house


Liyah: I finally get to hang out with my bestfriend jalen

Liyah:*go downstairs*

Austin: *Yell* Alonte

Alonte: Boy im  right here no need to yell in my ear

Austin: *LAUGHING*My bad bro

Alonte: So where u about to go

Austin: Go take liyah and her bff to the mall

Alonte: Whos her bff

Austin: Idont know have to wait until they get here

Liyah: Hi bros

A&A:Sup sis

Alonte: So liyah where ur bff at

Liyah: They coming about right now

Doorbell rang-

Austin: Go the door

Jalen: hi is liyah here

Austin: yeh she in the livingroom

Jalen: k *gos to the livingroom*

Alonte: Liyah ur bff is here

Liyah: ok here I come

Alonte: ok

Liyah: *comes out of  the kitchen*


Liyah: Jalen

Jalen: *HUG HER*

Liyah: *HUG HIM*

Jalen: liyah I cant breathe

Liyah: Sorry

Austin: So liyah this ur bff

Liyah: yes this my bff

Alonte: So where yall about to go

Liyah: To the mall and to the movies

A&A: OHH can we come

Liyah: Austin u was coming anyways

Austin: How

Liyah: u had to take me and Jalen to the mall remember when I ask u

Austin: OHH yeh

Liyah; Can we go now

Austin:ight come on




Jalen: you member u beat that girl

Liyah: yeh she thought she can beat me


Liyah: LOL


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