The Blood Princess (CH 5)

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Okay so for those of you who love my story you're probably like wondering if Jace is gonna be able to kiss Clary well just to inform you it's not gonna be that easy. Mwahahahahahhahahahahaha!!!!!

Chapter 5

Why try the impossible...

Clarissa, who was now going by Rissa, jumped out of her seat overly eager to get to fifth period. It was totally contradictory and Rissa knew it, she wanted to get to class, and at the same time she wanted the school day to be over. She wanted to get to class to see Ash, but she wanted the school day to be over because she was going to the beach with Ash, his friend Ian, and Nico after school. She was very happy today. Her day just got better when she got to fifth period and found out they were going on a fieldtrip.

"Okay class I'm giving us a break today," Chance said winking at Rissa when she walked in. "We're gonna go to the beach so you have all of fifth period to get ready."

Everybody broke out into cheers of joy, and Rissa just smiled and shook her head at Chance.

After getting her swim suit on and putting a shirt and some shorts over it Rissa was ready, and headed back to the class with her beach bag.

Everyone had a blast at the beach, and when it was time for the fireworks Ash took Rissa off to the side.

"Look Clarissa I-I have a girlfriend okay, and I know that you know who I really am but I just don't feel the same way for you anymore, at first when I first saw you here I thought I still felt the same way but after today, after just hanging out with you I can't feel anything but friendship towards you, I just don't love you like I used to, I'm sorry," he said and Rissa knew he was telling the truth, but even though something in her made her overjoyed and think of the gold haired angel she'd been dreaming of, she couldn't except it.

"No!" she screamed.

Jace felt Clary's pain before knowing that the sudden need to come to the beach was because she was there.

"No!" he heard Clary scream, he ran to her voice but Raver appeared out of nowhere.

"She emotionally unstable right now, if you go to her someone will get hurt."

"Fine," Jace growled backing up and turning around, he got to his car and drove as fast as he could to Celestia. He knew it was forbidden to go there, but that idiot Simon decided to move there after Clary's death. When Jace reached the city limits he stopped the car and walked the rest of the way. When he got to Simon's house, Simon freaked.

"What. The. Hell." he said pulling Jace into his house. "What are you doing here, Jace?"

"Telling you Clary's not dead," Jace said simply, a look of shock passed Simon's face.

"But, that can't be I saw her body, everyone did," Simon said wanting to believe it but not quite able to.

So Jace told him everything he knew, about what happened to Clary, and about how it could be broken, "also, from what I know, she'll be coming here soon."

"That's a lot to take in," Simon said shaking his head. "So why are you telling me all this?"

"Because I told you I can't get close to her, and I'm not even supposed to be in this city so I need you to watch after her."

"Knowing you you're gonna show up anyway, but I'll watch after her," was all Simon said.

And after that Jace gave Simon a box (that contained a id locket bracelet that had Clarissa engraved onto the id part and a picture of her and him in the little locket part) to give to Clary, and then left he still had to go get his sword.

"You. Cannot. Leave. ME!" Rissa shouted only it wasn't her someone had taken over her.

"Clarissa clam down," Ash said trying to soothe her only it wasn't working, she just started to cry.

"Why, you said we'd be together, so why?" she sobbed.

"I'm sorry, Rissa, I just, I don't feel the same anymore."

"You're lying," she cried. "You have to love me! It's not supposed to be like this!"

"You're right, Rissa," he said giving up, he didn't love her the same anymore but he couldn't stand to see her crying. He took her in his arms and kissed her gently. "You're right I still love you."

He kissed her again, and at this very moment Clary's whole being was pushed to the back of her head, to where only the Clarissa who previously owned the body was in control.

Let me out! He was happy without you! My job is done! Clary shouted trying to regain control.

No! He just said he loves me, anyways your job is over so disappear, Rissa answered.

No! Let me go! Jace!!! Clary screamed pushing against the mental walls that threatened to crush her.

Leave already! Rissa said giving one last push and feeling pleased when she couldn't feel Clary's presence anymore.

Jace was practicing with his sword when he suddenly dropped to the ground in pain. The pain was unbearable, but Jace didn't even care he knew something had to be wrong with Clary. He pulled his phone out. Raver picked up on the third ring.


"Raver, ugh, something's wrong with Clary," Jace grunted.

"'Kay, bye," Raver answered then hung up the phone.

Jace hung up his phone and then rolled onto his back trying to work over the pain, something was very wrong...

Raver ran as fast as he could to Clary, he knew Jace wasn't lying because he had already felt something was off Jace had just proved that suspicion true. Raver found Clary sitting with Ash watching the fireworks. Only it wasn't Clary. Rissa.

"What have you done?" Raver whispered falling to his knees.

"Oh! Hey Raver, what's up?" Rissa asked.

"Give her back," Raver said quietly.

"Awww, what's wrong Raver? Am I to young for you?" Rissa asked.

"Give her back!" Raver yelled louder jumping to his feet.

"No!" Rissa laughed.

Raver jumped at her not knowing what he'd do but knowing he had to save Clary. But just when he was an inch from her.........

Ohhhhh cliff hanger lol okay so yes this chapter is short but right now I'm having major writers block on this story that's why it took so long and also I've been like super busy lately it's not even funny wwaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh I want a break!!! Lol anyways please vote and comment!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2009 ⏰

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