In the world of Aegis, Jorick, Hibiscus, Twyne, Algernon, Nettles, Verus, Trafalgar, Pyrus, and Clepperstone are all countries.
Legër (Europe), Jafilwe (Africa) Neo Arctica (North Pole), Sub Arctica (South Pole), Quitan (Canada), Tannic (United States), Tiun (Asia), Vera (Russia), Sangria (South & Central America), and Willoughby (Oceania) are its continents.
Ebonmere, however, is like Washington DC, the capitol of Pyrus, in Legër. It's super supportive of guns and magic.
The Aegis Citadel is the name of the building of political affairs, while the Royal Republic is the name of the council within its walls.
The nobility follows Mandrake's rule, too. Every noble in the Aegis Citadel finds those things useless (since it's been a bit since Mandrake II enforced said law). They still get higher grade swords, newer powers, electronics, etc. They are allowed to use a power cannon (which is like a bazooka and a cannon had a baby) to kill violators. Also, the closest they can get to a gun is a rifle or an old pistol- and that's the Nobles of the Royal Republic. Pistols, guns (of any type), bazookas, and even stun guns (tasers) are prohibited to everyone - even the Nobles. The same applies to using witchcraft and magic.There are sealed Magicks loving within noble territory, but unsealed Magicks have to move to Magick havens (Ebonmere, Pyrus, Legër -LR-) in order to elude capture.
The Nobles have their own weapon approval system. For example, while the Nobles can use rifles, scepters, and pistols (circa. 1923), the people below them are barred from these weapons. The Nobles also have a limited magazine, too (say, twenty rounds a month). Once they use up their limit, they have to resort to other weapons. Because it's a steampunk world, it goes without saying that there are viable loopholes to the ban, such as making laser rays, laser guns, electric gloves or automatic crossbows (it's close to a gun, but it's allowed to all).
Why Did Pyrrhus Commit Suicide?
Pyrrhus committed suicide for unspecified reasons (I know, sounds kooky). However, the government suggested that he found out he was a Magick AND used his magic in the parliament building. Yeah, showing your Magick in the tower is a no no. Chances are if his daughter is a Magick (I.e. an Aerie "air" Magick) , he's one, too. Sealed Nobles have to live in their own settlements. They are not allowed to live in government paid castles. Unsealed Nobles cannot serve in the parliament at ALL.
What About Sealed People?
Continental drift's how the countries moved.
Seals can come off via a spell only Elite Magicks understand. It's one of those weird, Latin chants along the lines of "Chain me to your boulder of silence. Let me live in the world of segregation. Let me be free of horror."
The Cage Of Twileigh
Science Fiction18 year old Emerson Cavanaugh is on a journey to find someone called the Caged Gardener. For 186 years, she caused a devastating Catalyst they call The Dawn of Botanica. An epic quest with steam punk dragons! Plant monsters, pollen storms and waves...