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Life goes by you are born then you grown old then die because it's time for some new life. But I never thought that it would mean someone who wasn't ready to leave. I watched as the covered her body, her tiny body and her little eyes sealed shut. I cried at her little lifeless body gone." It want her time!!!" I yelled." Do you hear me !!!!!!!" I yelled more. I was done with no one hearing me." CAN NO ONE HEAR ME THAT GIRL WASN'T READY TO PEAVE THIS WORLD !!!!!" I basically screamed, no one was listening. I growled and looked out the window and it was the morning and my body wasn't moving, I was in maximum lock up people could into see me through the glass window that surrounded my whole entire room. My heart rate had gone down and people were talking about how I want going to make it. I was angry and afraid, that little girl left he world just like that." Where is she!!" I heard someone yell behind me I turned around and I saw his messy hair and green orbs and I automatically ran over to the glass wall. I put my hands on the glass exactly where his hands were." LUCAS!!" I yelled through the glass. He looked right through me." Lucas please I'm right here!" I yelled. Tears dripping down my face. I walked over to me and sat down. An hours later of watching Of my friends talk and argue. The doctors finally allows people in my room for 5 minutes. Lucas walked in and sat by me." Hey Maya..." He whispered." Hey huckleberry." I whispered back." Look Maya.. I know we weren't the greatest of friends but please I need you to stay...." He said letting one tear escape his eye." Are you actually crying?" I asked him." Look at that you made me cry." He smiled and held my hand. As a spirit could feel his warm hand on me." Don't ever let go..." I whispered." Sorry son but you gotta get out." A doctor said as he led him out of my room." No Lucas !!!!!" I yelled but I wasn't going to help, I realized that as I got to the glass." Hey Cory!!" I saw him yell as he got out of the elevator." Shawn...." I whispered." Shawn..." Cory didn't get up this time to hug his buddy." Maya's in there, they aren't letting anybody in due to her head Trauma." He whispered not dating to look Shawn in the eye." Where's Katy!" He yelled." Down the hall... She is still in coma." Riley said letting another tear escape her puffy eyes. Shawn speed walked down the hallway to see my mom," NO!! Shawn you need to see that I'm okay!! Let him in please
Let him in!!!!!!" I yelled and banged in the glass wall so far I was crying and collapsing to the ground." CANT ANYONE SEE IM FINE!!!" I yelled between tears that's when my beeping went off again and everyone panicked.
I on the other hand was ready to die, so far I didn't see the point, Riley and Lucas are snuggling in a chair, and Shawn didn't even try to see me.
The two guys that I wanted to have with me
Are gone

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