Sleepover sounds nice

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"Yes mum, we'll be ok," I say to my mum that has her hand resting on my cheek.

"Ok, I trust you guys with the house. Oh, and in case of an emergency call me," mum says, walking out the door. When she was gone me and my four friends put the stereo on its loudest and dance, eating and talking about boys. There was only girls, me (Lara), Skyler, Alexandra, Emily and Lucy. We all are so close that in class if we're not siting together we will literally run to class to make sure that we sit next to each other.

"Oh yessss, this is my JAM!" Alex yells out.

We all laugh and jump up and dance. When we all settle down we get in our PJs and hop on to our sleeping bags and make the room nice and dark and talk about the guys we like. When the rest fall a sleep, I'm still awake.

I hear something outside, I sit up with my heart pumping fast and at the one window right by the door, squinting to try and figure out what that dark figure was... My mouth opens, I scream my lungs out, the girls suddenly sit up and look at me screaming.

"What's wrong? What is it?" Lucy asks putting her hand in my shoulder.


They all look to see someone banging on the window. In one hand the psycho was holding a butcher's knife, we all hold each other in fright and tears run down our faces. The banging stops. We look at the window shaking. The person was gone.

"Where did he go?" Emily asked, shaking.

"I dont care we should call our parents" I say pulling out my phone out and trying to call my mum first but no one answers, I try my dad, it rings, but all I hear is static.

"Hello, dad, mum?" I say into the phone.

"Hello," A little girl answered but I still hear the static. I pause and look at my friends and frown.

"Did anyone answer?" Lucy whispered. I hold the phone to my chest.

"Yes, but not mum or dad..... It's a little girl." I say confused. I put the phone on speaker.

"Hello, you still there?" The little girl asked.

Should I answer her?

"Yes, I'm here," I respond slowly.

"Are you Lara?" The little girl giggled.

How did she know me? The only little girl I know is my neighbours daughter that I babysit. 

"No, there is no Lara here," I lie to her.

There was silence for 5 minutes, then the static sound become louder and louder.

"Ahhhh it hurts!" Emily screamed, covering her ears.

We all cover our ears, but then it stopped

"Let me in, let me in, he's coming for you, let me in," She started to singing creepilly.

"What? Who?" I tried asking but she just kept singing it, over and over until there was nothing, absolutely nothing.

We all are so confused, scared and alone.

"So what do we do?" Skyler said shaking of fear.

"Grab everything we need, everyone carries they own bag," I say picking up my bag, I go to the kitchen and grab five knifes and give one to everyone.

"Why do we need knives?" Emily asked as she looked at it.

"Why do you think? I looked at her, annoyed by her question.

"We are not going to kill anyone,"  Emily glared at me.

"Ok think of it like this. That psycho outside is going to kill you, what will you do...? I would stab him in the shoulder." I respond quickly.

She looks at me, knowing that I'm right. Suddenly, Alex starts coughing.

"Alex, are you alright?" Skyler asks slowly moving back. Alex's eyes start turning blood red. We all move to the door, backing away in fright. She starts floating, her mouth opens, blood starts to pour out.

Lucy starts to scream and cry, then Alex drops to the ground, a little of blood still coming out of her mouth. We all just sit frozen on the ground, and I was breathing heavily with my heart pumping out of my chest. We don't know what to do, so we try and see what it was that killed Alex, I start by walking over to Alex's body cautiously.

"What are you doing?" Skyer asked, very confused.

"I'm going to look at what happened," I said with tears running down my cheek. They come to the body and turn it over, looking at her face. Her eyes were black and the blood that was pouring out of her went black as well. We all frowned, Skyer reached out to touch it but I stopped her.

"You don't want to know what it is." I said, letting go of her hand.

She knew I was right, Alex's body twitched, we all move back, but there was nothing. She was dead. We all move to my room.

"So, are we going to try and get out?" Lucy said, slightly annoyed.

"Yes Lucy, we just have to think," I said exasperatedly, looking at her. "What if we just run out?"

"You know that might actually work," Sky said, sounding very happy. We grab some food and the knives and stand by the door. I put my hand on the handle, take a deep breath and open it, we all run out to see nothing. nothing but darkness.

We all hear a sinister laugh, cackling through the darkness.

"Who is there?" I scream.

I see my friends disappear in the darkness

"Lucy, Sky, Emily?" I start to yell over and over.

"Your friends are safe." A dark, cracking voice said.

"What? Who are you?" I frown. All I received was another evil laugh.

Then everything went back to normal but we all were in the house, with no windows and no doors.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2015 ⏰

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