looks like it already went down

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Finshing up the call with Aunt Rachel

Harmony: why did you stab reggie to death

Rachel: I knew what you guys was saying was true because all the long talk to you about boys wasn't adding up and then him telling me not to interrupt the conversation I should have knew something wasn't right

Harmony: why didn't you ask me about it or him

Rachel: I figured you didn't say anything and didn't want to make up something that wasn't there I waited until you guys left and killed him then I called the police on myself

Harmony: that was stupid of you to call the police on yourself

Rachel: I was going to get caught anyway so why not I told police to meet me at mcdonlads cause I was hungry I want one last good meal before I went in

Harmony: how long you in there for

Rachel: 25 years

Harmony: ok bye call me tomorrow

Rachel: umm ok bye honey

I hang up the phone trying not to cry but as soon as I hang it up I fell in to Rocs arms crying.

Roc pov

damn her aunt got locked up for 25years that's a long but at the same time I get yo be with her all times cause I am never leaving her dide from this day on fuck mindless behavior

THE LOVE OF ROC ROYALWhere stories live. Discover now