revealed pregnancy

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Harmony pov

We have been on this tour for 2 months that means I'm 4 months pregnant I can't wait to get this baby out of me I am as big as a house my belly is bigger then the average pregnant woman. but everybody relationship seems to have been crumbling because of these bitches Vanessa and Nicole . Vanessa and Nicole be all over Ray as soon as She takes his eyes off of him but Nicole flirt with Roc in my face I guess She think because I'm pregnant I still can't whoop a bitch ass well She completely wrong Today is the day Roc and I tell the world about my pregnancy first we are having a photo shot then we have a interview with Ellen on the Ellen show and on the show we are going to find out if the baby is a boy or a girl by the cake cut Walter and Keshia said its best for us to tell the Fans so they don't feel like we hiding something from them but I'm not sure if I want to be known as Roc Royal baby mama. Roc knocked on the bathroom door.

Roc: You ok in there

Well I mean I can't go five minutes without the dude checking on me

Harmony: I'm fine

Roc: ok babe I will be in the car

I looked at my Red dress with a diamond pinned in the midle making it ruffle at the side my hair was in a bun that was bought from the store and put in by my hair dress and I had on some silver heels this outfit was for the photo shot when I walkes out the bathroom Cece ran up to me

Cece: girl you look beautiful

Vanessa: She look more like a big red balloon

Harmony: I'm so going to let some hoe ruin my day

With that I walked off the bus and got in the car that was outside for us

Roc: you look gorgeous

Harmony: You really think so your Fan pick said I look like a a big ass red balloon

Roc: You know that your look beautiful so it shoudnt matter

Harmony: Are you fucking kidding me you better handle her or I will

Roc: The only thing your handling is our baby so just take a chill pill

Harmony: chill pill my ass since. you don't care about me make sure you don't talk to me until we get to shot

Roc: but babe I ........

Harmony: save it I don't want to hear it

After we got to the photo shot the Photography asked us to pose a certain way the first pose was him standing behind me holding my belly he was a suit and i had on that red dress the second pose was me in a bikini and him wearing swim trunks and him kissing my belly the photo came out beautiful The cover of the magazine would say mindless pregnancy. The next stop would be the interview I had to change my out into some skinny jeans and a blue blouse and Roc was swaged out with his all black everything We walked on set to the ellen show

Ellen: We have big mindless secret for you today yes u heard that right mindless we have something to tell you will not find anywhere else

Then it was a commercial

Ellen: Are you guys ready to fond out this exclusive mindless secret Let bring out Roc Royal from Mindless behavior

Then Roc walked out on to stage

Ellen: So where the rest of mindless behavior

Roc: There busy

Ellen : Why aren't they here with you

Roc: Because this is something that only involved me and another person

Ellen: Who is that

Roc: just bring her out

Ellen: Harmony Holt come on out

I walk out and stopped and rubbed my belly to bring attention to it

Ellen: So what do you and Roc got going on here

Harmony: we are having a baby

Ellen: congratulations but how old are you guys

Roc: I'm 16

Harmony: I'm 14

Ellen: That really young to have a child

Harmony: we know it was not planned at all

Ellen: How do you think your fan parents will about you thinking its ok to get pregnant at a early age

Roc: Well everyone makes mistakes I'm only human

Did he just say mistakes I'm a mistakes

Ellen : Are you giyz ready to find out what your having

Yes we said in unison

Ellen: bring out the cake

If the cake is white its a girl if its chocolate its a boy

me and Roc got up to cut the cake

1 2 3 cut

The cake was white were having a girl

Ellen:I hope you guyz raise a beautiful young lady

Roc: Thank you

Harmony: We will

Ellen : That the exclusive mindless secret well you heard hear first

The I walk off set and went the car

Roc: are you ready to have our baby

Harmony: I am but I'm not so sure your ready to be a father

Roc: what wrong now

Harmony: is that all I am to you a mistake I started crying

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