'Is my smile right yet?'
'You can see past it?'
'Crap that's not what I wanted to happen'
'Just let me try to make it more believable '
'How's that?'
'You can still see the sadness behind it?'
'You can still see the sorrow'
'Let me try again'
'How's that?'
'What do you mean I don't have to smile?'
'What do you mean I can cry once in a while?'
'I don't think you get it, it doesn't matter if I'm sad'
'Why you ask, because'
'What do you mean because isn't a good enough reason'
'Just go and let me practices my smile'
'What do you mean no?'
'I want to practices my act'
'You're not making this any easier for me'
'Please just go........'