Chapter 8

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Ariela POV

~At School~

We rolled up to school looking fly as fuck. Our car was pretty big and white so everyone noticed. We had Red Nose by Sage the Gemini blasting through the speakers. We were a couple minutes early so we hopped out the truck and just chilled around it. People were staring mad hard. Somewhere saying shit but we didn't pay attention.

"Marcus!! Can I have a piggy back ride to class?" I asked just to mess with him. I got him wrapped around my finger...sometimes.

"Babe I don't want to have detention for carrying yo ass to class. You got legs right. Use them." He said wrapping his arms around my waist. What an ass. All of a sudden Dayja came running to the other side of the car screaming.

"Omg omg Ari. Nathaniel is here!!" She yelled in my ear. The guys came over looking like they could hurt someone.

"Yo niggas chill the fuck out. Nathaniel is our friend from way back. Oh my god Dayja! Where is he?" I asked

"He over there by his care near them fine ass guys. Let's go over" When I was about to walk away Marcus gripped my arm. He looked pissed off.

"So you're really about to go and chill with another niggas?" He asked in my ear. I nodded my head and jacked my hand away. I ran up to Nathaniel and wrapped my legs around him.

"Nate, my nigga. I missed yo sexy ass man" I yelled kissing him all over his face. I don't give two fucks if Marcus saw.

"Oh my lord Dayja! Ari! You need to warn a nigga bout this shit. I'm so happy to see my lil munchkins." He said kissing us on the cheek. The bell rang meaning it was time to go to class.

"See you later Nate. Love you." We waved goodbye and headed back to the care. We got our bags out and caught up with the guys. Dayja tried to link arms with J but he moved his arm. When I tried with Marcus he did the same. I looked over at Dayja and shrugged. I walked over to Eric.

"What crawled up Marcus and J's asses?" I asked Eric with all seriousness.

"He is pissed the fuck off. When he saw you kiss up on that nigga I had to hold him back from getting his gun. You might want to chill with all that because Marcus is one crazy nigga. J too." Eric said. I just dropped my head.

"I know." I said with a sigh. I made my way to first period. My dad pulled some strings and got everyone to have every class together. Times like this I wouldn't like that. I ain't ever seen Marcus this mad. I took my seat next to Marcus and Dayja sat next to J. They didn't even acknowledge our presence. Nathaniel walked in and Marcus started to immediately mug him. Nat gave me a smile and I gave one back. I looked over at Marcus and he just looked straight forward. The teacher came in and said that this class was free block for today. Then she left to go to Starbucks. I love this school already. I bought my chair up to Marcus's desk and sat in front of him.

"What the fuck you want Ariela?" He said calmly. I knew he wanted to yell

"I just wa-" He cut me off before I could finish.

"Naww Mary. You're not sorry because if yo ass was sorry you wouldn't have disrespected me in the first place. I was so close to shooting his ass. Who the fuck is he anyways?" He said. I knew he was pissed because he only called me by my middle name when he was really pissed.

"He uhh he was my friend in middle school. We were real close. He's like another brother. But he got ghost after freshman year. Don't worries about me fucking him because he is gay. Are you fucking happy now Marcus? This is what you want. Now I know you can't trust me." I yelled at him. With that I got up and walked out the classroom. I decided to go home early because I don't want to see Marcus. I started walking home. As I was walking a car kept on following me from behind. I picked up my pace then I stop when the car drove in front of me. The windows were tinted so I couldn't see who it was. The window rolled down and it was my dad and brother. I instantly froze in my place.

"Get the fuck in this car Ari" My dad yelled. I quickly hopped into to back. He drove off towards King's place

"Oh my god. Ariela Mary Lopez. Are you ok? Like really are you fucked on the mind cause I know I told you to go nowhere without king and J." Craig yelled at me. I started crying because I was just having a bad day. I decided just to ignore him.

"So you cannot talk right. You so damn lucky yo ass is my sister." Craig said. My dad just stayed quiet. But by his face I can tell he was thinking. My phone started to ring and it was Marcus. I decided to pick it up.

•Phone Convo•

Me: *sniffle* hello

Marcus: Baby I'm so sorry. I was just mad and didn't know. Please tell me you're safe. Where are you?

Me: I'm fine. I was walking-

Marcus: oh god Ari. You're not supposed to be walking alone

Me: I know. I was walking then my dad and brother pulled up. And now they are takin me back.

Marcus: Ok good. See you later babe.

Me: bye

•End of Phone Convo•

~Back at school~

I walked into lunch and saw everyone at a table. I walked over and Dayja instantly gave me a huge hug.

"Babe. I thought yo ass was dead. I was about to murder Marcus with my butter knife if he didn't find you." She said still hugging me. Lol this girl is a trip.

I sat down next to Marcus and rested my head on his shoulder. I wasn't mad anymore but I was hungry. I took one of his fries and ate it. He whispered fat ass under his breath and I slapped him on his head.

"Ow. Babe. I was joking." He said kissing my forehead. Sometime went by when this hoe looking girl came up to Marcus.

"Hey Marcus, I was wondering if you wanted to hang after school." I looked at her and raised my eyebrow. I sucked my teeth and turned back to the table. Slim and Eric were dying of laughter.

"No thank you but here. Take this to handle your thirst." Marcus said handing her a bottle of water.

"I'm serious Marcus." That was it I hopped up so fast I'm surprised I caught my balance.

"He just told you he don't want to chill with you. Please respect yourself and walk away before I have to beat some ass is this cafeteria. Trust me, it will only be bad for you." I said looking dead in her face. She just rolled her eyes and walked away. Marcus took his hand and put it on my forehead.

"Babe is you alright. I have ever seen you like that." He said with raised eyebrows.

" That's cause you only seen the nice side of me." I said as I got up and headed to my next class. So much for having a great first day.







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