The Truth behind the Lies

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Chapter 1 ~

A girl sadden by the death of her grandfather turns to anything to take away the pain. It turned out bad for her but is there a twist to what she does, does she do this stuff to get attention from her mother ?

Emeli stares at her phone waiting for a text from her dealer Jasper. As she waits in her car at the top of the mountain where the Hollywood sign is she sees this familiar figure standing near the tree where her car was . She thought for a moment to ask this figure if he or she needed help but she didn't she thought something was off . She easily turned her car on and drove away slowly. She texted Jasper and told " Change of plans meet me at the corner of Rodeo Drive" he replied with " Alright I'll turn around now , but why the sudden change of plans". "Don't worry about it , just meet me "

"Where the hell is Emeli she's suppose to be here already." Says Angela

"I'm here , I'm here alright calm down!"

"Where were you ?"

" I had to pick up something from my brother , but I'm here that's all that matters"

Angela gives her this look and gets into the car . Emeli heads towards the corner of Rodeo drive and takes a right . She keeps driving for about an half an hour. In complete silence Christine say " So this beach is it any fun ?" Christine is the outgoing amboutious one, she is trying something new everyday and taking up something like every week . Angela the smart mouth , rich kid is all about tanning and beach clubs and boys. While Emeli on the other hand sporty. She plays all different types of sports she is captain of the California state softball team and captain of West Beverly girls basketball team and co-captain of San Diego volleyball team , she quit volley ball because she moved to Los Angeles so that she got rid of. As Emeli was driving the girls favorite song came on Bittersweet by Ellie Goulding. Angela was always fascinated by the fact that Emeli and Ellie goulding sort of had the same name , Emeli never paid any mind to it . Christine couldn't stop complaining about how bad she had to use the bathroom so Emeli pulled over at a rest stop when Angela and Christine went into the bathroom Emeli thought this is my chance she went into her purse and grabbed this medium sized bag and it was full of pills. She looked up to make sure that no one was looking she poured two in her hand and tool Angela's coffee cup and took a big gulp. Out came Christine saying " Hey are you coming in ?" "Give me a minute had to call my mom." Emeli gets out the car and goes in threw the door.

Angela was always suspicious of Emeli doing drugs so she made sure she was the first one out of the bathroom and ran to the car in her two hundred dollar sandals and searched her purse.

While Emeli finished drying her hands her phone went off in her pocket, it was her therapist. She thought "Why would she be calling me our appointment isn't until Wensday " she answered the phone " Hello"

"Emeli how nice to hear from you I was calling to remind you about our appointment on Wensday ."

"Yes, I am very aware that we have a appointment and I will be there with my mother of course."

"We'll thank you for your time and be ready to express yourself Wensday , bye."


Angela was in the car when Christine walked out if the bathroom and blurted out " Beach time" and scared the crap out of Angela. Angela quickly dropped Emeli's purse. Emeli stepped into the car and started it and then drive off.

On the way to the beach Emeli kept thinking about tha familiar figure she had saw by that tree, she thought who it looked like but , blank she couldn't think if it. When the girls started driving by the fishing places Emeli then thought oh my god that figure it looked like a big man with a hat and a fishing pole! Emeli then thought about her grandfather who she deeply missed . She thought "No way that couldn't have been him it can't be, but he's the only reason why she started going to counciling in the first place the reason why she started drugs. Her heart felt heavy and tears wanted to rush to her eyes but she didn't let them come threw.

As the girls arrived at the beach Angela and Christine started walking. Christine with her surfboard and Angela with her sunglasses and tanning oil. They started heading toward the beach and Emeli stood behind and said ill meet u there I have to text my mom and let her kno I'm here. "Okay , but hurry we can't miss Christine surf!" With a smerk Angela turned around and kept walking.

Emeli searched and searched for the Baggie but couldn't find it! She started panicking. In the back of her Angela stood there with the Baggie and whispered

"Looking for these?"

" how did u get those?"

" More like how did you get them ?"

"There for the pain, I was going to tell u but u shouldn't have to worry!"

"Is this about Emmet ? Did u start doing drugs because of that skunk bag ?"

Emeli's face went blank. She thought about Emmet her ex-boyfriend who she had to dumb because he cheated on her but has been trying so hard to get her back.

"No of course not. There because my grandfather!"

"Oh but that still doesn't mean you need to do drugs I mean come Emeli your better than this what about UCLA your dream collage could be gone in a blink of an eye , do you realize what could happen to all your scholarships to college ?"

Emeli thought to her self. She wanted to go to UCLA so much but she now she couldn't resist the urge to do the drugs, she had no one to turn to . When something was wrong at home or at school she always called her grandfather, he would always help her with that stuff.

"I don't know what to do with her she is my best friend should I pay for rehab I mean I have no problem at all with it."

"Angela I don't have to pay for nothing you feel that you don't have to pay for, I mean it Angela I have the money but I just had it saved I will be willing to pay for my own daughters rehab."

"No, I'll pay do and u don't have to pay me back seriously, no acceptions!"

"Thank you I really appreciate it !" Emeli's mom said as she hung up the phone with Angela.

"Jasper?" Emeli thought she should pick it up but she doesn't she easily with no doubt ignore.

"Wow !" Angela said surprised that she didn't pick it up .

"It's a start and since your stick g me to rehab mine ass well right ?"

"That's true and don't worry about a thing okay I have it. Your my best friend okay an I love you !"

" I love you more Angela always remember that okay ." As Angela pulls into the rehab parking lot Emeli get her things ready.

"I feel like my world is crumbling underneath my feet and there's nothing I can do about it, I feel like god is giving me no reason to live , I know it's not true but , just thinking about him hearing his name even the slightest little thing about him can make me miserable for weeks , it's the feeling you get getting off a roller coaster, your dizzy sick feeling like your unable to go on another tide or you'll throw up! Yea that's how I feel when I know I can't talk with my grandpa anymore. I have these thoughts that maybe just maybe if I went to go live with my dad that maybe he'll still be alive I don't if its me but I feel like I just need him to help me threw things that no one else can !"

"So we start there , baby steps . I'm going to help you make sure you don't go threw this alone. Remember you have loved ones here for you , forever and always ! "

Walking back to the room , something caught her eye ! Something different something she never seen before. She stopped and slowly walked back to where she saw that particular object. It was a vase , a very beautiful vase with angels and little baby's that look like Cupid .

"That was given to the headmaster, it was given as a gift to her for helping others. They called her a angel for open her home to others who needed to be clean."

"Wow. This was her house ? It's beautiful . I like to think that I have an angel up there but now I know I do ! "

"Everyone has that one special angel ."

"I should go, gotta make that phone call !" Walking back to her room all these good thoughts came to her. She went into her room and sat on the be and laughed by herself , she then layed back and thought for hours !

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