Chapter 11

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"No Wavepaw. I said get me the herb that fights infections. Marigold prevents infections, and Clamfoot's injury is already infected!"
"Sorry Dolphinfur." The apprentice apologized. "There are so many herbs, and I can't remember the difference between one or the other!"
"Don't worry Wavepaw." Suntail murmured resting his tail on the young tom's shoulders. "It took me a long time to remember my herbs too."
"Why don't you try again." Dolphinfur suggested. "Find me the herb that fights infections."
"Got it." Wavepaw said. "The herb that fights infection wouldn't be marigold, but maybe... Mallow?"
"Exactly!" Dolphinfur said.
Fishpaw sighed as she watched her brother work hard in the medicine cat den. She wished he had never become a medicine cat apprentice.
"Fishpaw." The apprentice spun around to see her mentor watching her. "We need to train." He said.
Fishpaw nodded, but didn't speak. Though Coralfur had talked to her a few sunrises ago, she still was depressed. She so desperately wanted to train with Wavepaw, but he was too busy cleaning wounds and learning all the herbs.
   Luckily Coralfur didn't mention anything, but she could sense he was worried about her.
   Once they were a few fox lengths out of the camp, Coralfur started to instruct her. "We're going to start with a few hunting exercises."
   "Okay." Fishpaw muttered.
   Coralfur gazed at her a few moments and then continued. "Let's start with something simple. A mouse." With his tail, he pointed over to a clearing where a mouse was running around. "Now we need to stay quiet. Before we sneak up on it, we need to make sure we're downwind from our prey."
   "How are we supposed to know that? Fishpaw asked.
   "Easy." Coralfur exclaimed, "We need to look at the grass. Which way is it blowing?"
   Fishpaw looked down at the grass below her, which was pointing at her. "To us." She answered. "So we're downwind."
"Correct!" Coralfur purred with delight. "Now, we need to get low in the grass, and slowly sneak up on our prey." The black tom lowered himself into the grass and waited for his apprentice to copy him. "Great! Now we need to be wary of where we put our paws. Look out for sticks or anything that could make a loud sound."
Fishpaw nodded. She observed the ground and spotted a stick lying a few fox lengths ahead of her. She chose a route that allowed her to avoid the stick. Satisfied with her choice, Fishpaw started to go a little faster. Before she could reach the mouse, she mistakenly stepped on a stick that snapped in a heartbeat.
The mouse looked up and spotted the orange she-cat. It instantly scurried out of the clearing.
Fishpaw let out a hiss of annoyance and took off after her prey. She could hear Coralfur call out to her but she didn't stop. She was determined to catch the mouse.
Running through the clutter of trees, Fishpaw kept her eyes locked on the little brown rodent that had a slight advantage. Luckily though, it ran into a large clearing, allowing the apprentice to gain speed.
Before it could enter another cluster of trees, Fishpaw pounced on the mouse, hearing a soft crack as it's spine fell against the weight of her paws.
With a yowl of triumph, Fishpaw picked up her prey and headed back toward her mentor.
"Fishpaw, didn't you hear me? I-" before Coralfur could finish, he spotted the mouse who lay limp in the apprentice's mouth.
"Caught it!" Fishpaw cheered.
"Wow, your a faster learner than me." Coralfur complimented. "Ok then, now we need to burry the mouse, and retrieve it as we return to camp."
After the two littered the mouse with soil, a strong sent drifted into the clearing.
"Wait, is that..."
"Badger!" Coralfur interrupted.
As if summoned by the tom's words, a large badger lumbered into view.
"He must of smelled our prey!" Fishpaw mewed.
Coralfur let out a yowl of courage as he leaped onto the badger's bulky back. The beast roared and stood up onto his hind legs, throwing the pesky cat off his back.
Fishpaw's eyes widened in terror as she watched her mentor crash into the side of an oak tree. That's when the she-cat's instincts kicked in. She raced toward the badger with every ounce of energy in her, and raked it's muzzle with her claws.
Roaring the badger changed his target, and followed Fishpaw for revenge. As it turned, Coralfur again, jumped onto it's back and climbed toward the beast's head.
Overwhelmed, the badger gave up, and ran into the forest.
Coralfur leaped off and hissed after their opponent. "You messed with the wrong cats!"

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