xXIn the heartXx

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I heard that tock in my head. My head twitched. Tears started to fall down from my eyes as whatever was behind me wrapped is hands around my waist, holding me as my world started spinning and everything went black.

I fluttered open my eyes. Where was I? As my orbs adjusted to the light in the room, I saw my sis –Chris! Are you okay? Malu brought you here and you were unconscious!-

I turned my head to the figure I saw before. Then... I saw him

Messy black hair, gray pale skin, glowing red orbs.

Malu smirked at me –Like what you see?~- I turned my head away. –Aww she's angry at me- May hit him with her elbow –Shut UP Malu! Can't you see she just recovered!?- Malu playfully rubbed his side –OW okay eesh grumpy-

I weakly got up with one elbow –What happened to me?-

Malu and May exchanged looks. –Well the ticks grew stronger and something inside your head dislocated or snapped, making you unconscious. Did you happen to hear a "tock"?- Malu asked.

I lowly gasped "Yeah now that you mention it..." May sighed

"Malu, it's time"

A distorted sigh escaped Malu's lips. "I guess"

May nodded and grabbed my phone "Wha- MAY! Let go of my phone!" I automatically yelled.

She already had typed in the password somehow and she was calling someone.

"Hello? It's me, May. I know this is WAY too soon, but it's time ....... YES I KNOW it's too soon to tell her but it snapped too early!... OMG just come over"

My little sister hanged up the phone and placed it in my lap. "Who did you call?"

"That doesn't matter right now. May, go get the cups"

"はい! (yes!)" May yelled and climbed to the top of her closet, entering a small door I have never seen before. Malu sat beside me.

Suddenly the door opened...

And Chris stepped in.

"CHRIS?!" I yelled. He ran over to me and hugged me. I awkwardly hugged him back, resting my head on his chest. But I frowned.

I heard ticks.

In his heart.

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