"He was perfect in every aspect of the word. Physically, at least."

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"I hear the birds on the summer breeze, I drive fast. I am alone in the night." I sang along with Lana Del Rey as Ambrose pressed the gas a little harder.

The wind swept my carefully kept curls away from my face and the strands on midnight black hair danced in the wind.

And, for the first time in a long time, I didn't care

The sun warmed my skin as I peered ahead through my dark shades. Miles of open road stretched out ahead of us, surrounded by the most barren of deserts.

Ambrose's thick hand fell onto my bare thigh, his thumb sweeping over the pale skin.

I turned to look at him, admiring his profile. He was perfect in every aspect of the word.

Physically, at least. 

His eyes were a stunning golden brown, his skin a perfect tan and his hair a windswept caramel.

He turned to look at me, squinting against the sun with furrowed brows. 

And he smiled.

His smile reminded me of his brother - Costello.

They both had warm, inviting smiles. The kind that said, "Come to bed with me, darling, and you'll never want to leave."

Their smiles were right.

And I smiled back at him, but my lips were sealed and it felt forced.

I felt an ache in my heart because I knew that, soon enough, he'd tire of me and find a knew mistress.

They all did.

But in this moment, he was mine and no one could take him from me.

So I hung one hand off the side of the convertible and brushed my fingers along the shiny black paint.

I sunk into the seat and tilted my head back, staring up at the blue sky - not a cloud in sight.

His hand slid higher....

and higher...

until the ache in my heart dulled and my eyes slid shut with pleasure.

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