The Sanctuary

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Out side her house, they were met by a ridiculously haired guy, around 20. I burst out laughing and he muttered something like 'everytime!'

"Fletcher, this is Laura, Val's sister. Laura, Fletcher, the last Teleporter alive. He can go anywhere he wants, anytime he wants." After introducing us I thought about that kind of power. Imagine the possibilities...

His eyes widened and he stared at her.  

"Y-your VAL'S sister! OMG I remember when I held you for the first time and I was so freaked out!" He exclaimed. After that we all joined hands and a second later, we were in a large room with a couple of sofas. I followed Skulduggery to a garage.

My initial reaction to Skulduggery's car was astonishment. It was a beautiful, sleek machine that made her drool slightly. I had always loved cars, so this was like her version of meeting One Direction.

Noticing the look on her face, Skulduggery started," It's a Bentley-"

" Bentley R-type Continental, one of the 208 ever made, of course! How would I not know that? Who doesn't know that?!" I pretty much screamed. Did he think I was just some other girl that was all interested in make-up and shoes? I was more interested in cars and I was the wrestling champ for under 14,16 in both girls and mixed,plus I was already saving money for a motorbike.

He looked surprised at what I said and said," Not many people know what she is, Laura. You have just made the list of my favourite people on earth. I'm letting you now that that is a very short list."

A few hours later, they arrived at a cold looking building,surrounded by dead trees and a stagnant lake. She and Skul ( they had discussed this name in the car ) walked  

inside the building where they were met by a man with a scar ridden face, a handsome man with a nice smile and ridiculous robes and a woman with a black veil.

"So, you must be Alice." Said the scarred man that she realised to be Ghastly Bespoke, from the discribtions Skulduggery gave her.

"Laura, your almighty-ness."I curtsied with a smile.

"Really, Skul?" Ghastly asked.

"Couldn't resist, your magnificency." Skulduggery said half laughing. He told me to say something like that. I found it hilarious. I made a face trying to contain the laughter that was threatening to envelope me.

"No, not that. I'm used to the names. You haven't told her her yet, have you?" Erksine asked.

"I was getting to it! I told her everything else." Skul uttered defensively. "Ok, Laura. You know how I said you were moved to Australia for your safety. Well we changed your name too, just to make sure. Your name, before Laura, was Alice Edgley. Technically it still is. But you will have to choose a name to ensure you don't get controlled by another mage."

What! My name was first Alice, then Laura, now to something else. I already had a name, when Skul said I have to take a name immediately thought of the name I had taken in childhood games, and when in Drama at school( much to the teachers distaste).

"I want the name Natasha Fern."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2014 ⏰

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