On That Day

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Narrator: On that day, humanity received a grim reminder. On that day, they realized that they were trapped in the cages they called walls. On that day, four heroes emerged from the shadows. On that day, their lives would change. Forever...

Sie Sind das Essen und wir Sind  die Jaëger!

Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Narrator: It started as a normal day. We look through the eyes of a very special person. Someone who would either save, or destroy humanity. A fragile flower, growing in a sea of blood and anguish.

"____! ____! Wake up!" Mikasa shook her awake. She opened her (e/c) eyes with a start. The wind pushed around her (h/c) (h/s) hair.

The face of Mikasa stared at her. She had midnight black hair and pale skin, that was slightly concealed by her scarlet scarf. She had brown hazel eyes, that would turn grey in the sunlight. She wore a white dress, with a pink jacket that reached to the tips of her knees.

"It's time to go back home." she said, in a mono-toned voice.

____ sat up. She had fallen asleep underneath the large oak tree that stood on a large hill. She had followed her brother-like savior up again. She must have fallen into the magical dream world, as she laid there listening to the stories of the great world.

She looked to her side and saw Eren. His dark brown hair was mussy and tangled. Leaves covered part of his face. His blue-teal eyes were shut softly and his hand laid still on his chest.

"Eren." she called. "Eren." She pushed his shoulder a bit. "We gotta go home."

Eren's eyes burst open and he looked at Mikasa. "Eren," she said. "you're crying."

He brought up his hand and touched the tears that had formed there. "What were you dreaming about?" ____ asked.

"I don't know. It was something sad." He sat up and looked at the large wall that towered over the town. Bells rang and the sound of large gates opening could be heard. "The scouts are back!" he shouted. He got up, grabbed his stick holder, and ran down the green hill.

"E-eren! Wait for us!" ____ grabbed a few sticks that she managed to find and ran after him, with Mikasa pulling her along.

____ was a fragile girl. She was sick since birth. She was born too early, to a mother named (m/n) and a father named (f/n). Her mother died at birth, and she never knew who her father was. She was left on the steps of a building.

She grew up too quickly, as most children did. She lived in a far off farm, where she helped a kind old lady with her gardening. Granny Plum. She was a plump lady. She had silver grey hair, that was always in a loose bun. She wore floral patterned dresses, and a sun hat that protected her old eyes.

But as most lady's did, she died. Unable to keep the farm running, ____ left. Unfortunate circumstances happened and she fell into the custody of the Jaëger family.

____ was 10 years old now. She wore her (h/c) hair in small pigtails, tied with light pink bows. She wore a too large white shirt and a light blush pink skirt. She covered herself with a (f/c) cardigan sweater.

Eren turned a corner and stopped before running into a large crowd of people. He looked around, before pointing to three boxes that were lined next to each other.

"Let's welcome home the heroes!" he said. He climbed onto the wooden boxes and helped them up.

And there they were. Some rode their horses, while others walked. There was a wagon of people and they all had bandages on them. None of them looked happy to be home.

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