Joining the Corps

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"Mikasa, can I hold your hand?" I asked. I looked up at her, and she have a small smile back.

"Sure." She reached out her hand, and I grabbed it.

"You need to learn to not depend on others." Eren said.

Mikasa elbowed him in the side. "Don't be a pain." she said.

I slowly let go of her hand. "I'm okay now." I lifted my head high, and walked.

"See, she's fine." Eren said.

Armin walked over to my side. "Do you want to see a picture of the ocean?" he asked.
I nodded, only to have a piece of bread shoved near my face. "Here are your rations." Armin said.

"Thank you!" I said. I took it happily, as Armin passed it out to your guys friends.

"Such a pain. We have to share our food with a bunch of outsiders." a man said. "They should've been titan food."

Eren shot a glare at him. He took his piece of bread, and aimed for his head.

"Eren, don't." I put my small arm on his, and tried to stop him.

"Shut it, ____!" he yelled.

I felt hurt, but I didn't want him to get hurt. I gripped his arm with all the strength I could muster, and hit him in a gut.

He gasped for air as he clinched his stomach. "Sorry. But I don't want you to get hurt anymore. Haven't we been through enough?" I asked.

"Way to go, ____." Mikasa put a hand on my shoulder and smiled.

"That hurt like hell!" he gasped. He exhale sharply and stood up.
"You just want to be stepped on!" Eren yelled.

"I'd rather be stepped in than have the people I love get hurt!" I replied, trying to be as forceful as I could.

Eren looked down at me, and for the first time, he blushed. He gave a small smile and petted my head. "Thanks."

"We gotta protect everyone. And that means saving people." I said. Now, I realized I was talking to all three of them. "Let's go save the world."

Two Months Later~~

I stood in line, my hands behind my back, as the officer yelled at everyone.

He went to a lot of people. But, he also skipped a lot. Like Mikasa, Eren, some blonde girl, and a tall blonde boy.

He stopped in front if me, and looked me in my (e/c) eyes. "WHO ARE YOU AND WHY ARE YOU HERE?!" he shouted.

I placed my right hand over my heart, my left hand behind my back, and I got a serious look on my face.


"Oh?" he said. "And how are you going to do that?"

"Even if I die. Even if I'm killed in action. I'm going to protect my friends and everyone there is!" I looked up at him.

"You won't last a day." he said.

"Sir," I started. "I may not be tall. And I may not be big. But I don't need that. My friends are here! IF WE DON'T HAVE FRIENDS, THEN LIFE ISNT WORTH LIVING! I WOULD RATHER DIE BY MY FRIENDS THAN LIVE WITHOUT THEM!"

I held my head high, and spoke what I believed. The officer gave a grave look and nodded. He turned to the other recruits. "IF YOU DONT HAVE A REASON LIKE THIS, PACK YOUR BAGS AND LEAVE!" he shouted.

He turned and walked away.


I sat at my table with my dear friends and ate happily. Something I hadn't been able to do in months.

"Is Sasha back from running?" I asked.

"You mean Potato girl? I think she's still out there." Eren replied.

"I hope she's okay."

I got up, and walked to the kitchen. I handed the ladies my bowl and smiled. "Thank you for the meal! I enjoyed it very much!" They smiled thankful smiled.

I turned, and began to walk back. I was walking when I ran into someone. I fell back. I looked up and saw a boy with blonde hair with an undercut.

He was taken aback and glared down at me.

"Are you okay?" I asked. When he heard me speak, his expression changed completely and he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Um, yeah." he said. "Are you okay?"

I gave a cheery smile. "Just fine!" He held a hand out, and I graciously took it.

"Hey!" The boy turned around and saw angry Eren staring at him. "Take your hands off her!"

"I was helping her up."

"Eren, it's okay."

"Shut it ____! If you won't defend yourself I will! Watch where you're goin' next time!" he yelled.

I looked away. I didn't like it when Eren was mad. The boy let go if my hand and grabbed Eren by the collar. "Don't yell at her!"

"Please, don't fight!" I pulled his hand off and guided him away. "I'm sorry about him. He just loses his temper when he's upset."

"Why the hell is he mad?"

"Some of the people were asking about what Titans looked like. His mom died in front of him by a titan. It's a tender subject." I explain. "But enough of that. What's your name?"

"Jean. You?"


Mikasa came around the post, and grabbed my arm. "Come on ____. We gotta get to bed."

"Okay. Well, bye!" I waved goodbye, and walked away.

Next Day~~

Our Commanding Officer pointed to two large contraptions. "If you want to fight titans, you need to learn how to use 3DMG! One at a time!"

I got in line, and waited. A lot of people didn't get it right the first time, and ended up falling. But Mikasa and Sasha were perfect at it.

I went to the center of the contraption and let them hook me up. Slowly, I was lifted into the air and off of the ground.

Automatically, my senses kicked in, and I stayed upright. It was rather nice. I looked at Eren, Mikasa, and Armin, with a smile on my face. "I did it!" I said. "Now I don't have to leave you guys!"

Eren smiled, and chuckled. "I'll be impressed if you do a flip!" he shouted.

"I'll give you dinner if I can't!"

"I'll run a mile with you on my back if you can!"

I smiled. I was gonna do this. I let gravity take hold of me. I wanted to stay up, but I forced myself to relax. My body went back. While most people would have jumped their heads, I was small enough that my hair merely skimmed the ground. My legs came down, and I forced myself upright.

Eren looked at me in shock, and I tried not to smile to brightly. I didn't want to seem like I was gloating.

They lowered me, and I ran to my friends. "Did you see that?" I asked Mikasa, excitedly.

"That was really cool!" Armin said.

"Great job." Mikasa gave a small smile and patted your head.

Eren stretched his arms and cracked his knuckles. "Well, if you can do this, so can I!" he said.

He walked to the front of the line, and let them hook him up. He had a psychotic smile on his face. They lifted him up. He was still, then he fell back. He dangled in the air.

Unable to get up.

Attack on Titan x Reader: On That DayWhere stories live. Discover now