Back to Where I Don't Want to Be

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A few days had passed since Hiccup and me got the flying rhyme down. Nothing super eventful happened. I know he said not to, but on some days, before he came, I attempted to escape a few more times. All in failure...of course. But to be honest, I don't want to leave anymore. I enjoy spending time with Hiccup. However, these past few days had made me wonder, how long can Hiccup keep me a secret from his kind? I know they wouldn't be to pleased if they found out...what would they do to him? Would...would they...kill him? They can't do that! Stop thinking like that Toothless! They wouldn't do something so terrible.

I dunno...anyways, on with my story. I was napping upside down when I heard Hiccup calling to me. Something about leaving. Why? Maybe we're going back to that one island. I hope, it's a nice place. It's really-huh? Is someone else here? Wait, I know that voice. It's that female human from that one night. Why is she here? Did Hiccup bring her? I dropped down from the tree roots. Maybe Hiccup is trying to-hey! She's hurting him! How dare she!? 'Stop!'

I charged forward in order to save Hiccup. She readied her shiny rock of death (her's was different looking than Hiccup's was). But out of nowhere she was flung to the ground while her rock of death was thrown far away from her. Hiccup was in front of us, blocking my killing path. He had both hands up and was shouting, " No! No! It's okay, she's a friend." Friend? What friend hurts the other? Not wanting to get Hiccup hurt I dropped back down on all four paws. I sniffed and growled at Hiccup's "friend". "Y-You just scared him," Hiccup told her.

"I scared him!?" She paused," Who is him?"

Hiccup stepped froward a bit, as if he was scared of the thought on what she do. "Uh, Astrid, Toothless." He turned to me," Toothless, Astrid." I snarled at her. I didn't care if she was Hiccup's friend, she wasn't mine. Astrid stared at Hiccup before turning and running off. Well, crisis averted. Back to my nap. I turned and trotted back the tree roots. But, before I could get there, Hiccup was calling to me. Saying "Where do you think your going?" He climbed on my back and said that we need to stop her before she got back to the village. ' Ugh,' I groaned, ' fine.'

We flew through the woods until we spotted her running amoungst the trees. I swooped down, she jumped over a log, and I snatched her up. The girl screamed for her life as we got higher and higher in the air. Then I plopped her in a tree and she hung onto a branch with all her might. I landed on the top of the tree. It bend under my weight, daring to snap. "Hiccup!" she shouted, "Get me down from here!"

"You have to give me a chance to explain," Hiccup pleaded. I didn't pay much attention to their little conversation, I was focused on Astrid. I didn't trust her. She might hurt Hiccup again. But, before I knew it, she had climbed onto my back-I'm guess at the request of Hiccup.

"Now get me down," she half ordered, half pleaded.

" Toothless," Hiccup patted my head," down...gently." I spread my wings and the soft wind slowly brought the tree back into non-bend form. "See," Hiccup told Astrid, "Nothing to be worried about."

I had other ideas. Completely forgetting that I needed Hiccup in order to fly, I shot up into the air and took them both by surprise. "Toothless!" Hiccup shouted over the rushing wind, "What are you doing!? Bad dragon!" I followed up with a bunch of dips into the water. Hiccup kept shouting at me. "We need her to like us" is what he said. Ah, no. Nobody hurts my friends and gets away with it. While they were freaked out, I was having the time of my life. Never before had I flown this crazy. " Thank for nothing, you useless reptile."

Ooohhh, okay. I'm Toothless the Useless. And you are Hiccup the Dizzy! I turned this way and that. Out of the rushing wind I heard Astrid surrender. "Just get me off of this thing," she pleaded. Mmmm...okay. Cease torturer. Using my wings I stopped with sharp yank. I heard poor Astrid yelp when I did. Both humans breathed heavily. That circus act tired me out as well. I glided on the wind. I glanced up. The white things in the sky looked a different color. An inviting color. I rose slowly. I expected get hit hard. These white things, were soft. I felt small drops of water drip down my face. Is that what these white things are made of? Water? But how?

I really didn't care at the moment. I've never flown so high before. Hiccup and Astrid was just as aww-struck as I was. Astrid put her hand in one of the white things. It slipped out as if nothing was there. It was amazing! I absentmindedly did a turn and we were above the beautiful white things. But it turned out that they hid something even more beautiful. Colorful lights danced above us. Wow, I would of never of seen this if I was still at the nest. Soon the white things gave way and their nest-ah, I mean village-appeared. It looked so peaceful, so quiet. I almost didn't recognize it. That moment I understood, these humans were no different than us dragons. Both just trying to live.

Another thing struck me, we dragons were able to do the same thing humans can do. I mean, in the nest, dragons fought for scraps of food. But, I still had friends. I thought about them. What were they doing? Did they think of me? My Monstrous Nightmare friend, my Deadly Nadder friend, that old Gronckle, were they still alive? I flew aimlessly in the black sky. Hiccup and Astrid chattered to each other. I didn't quite hear what they said, I was focused on other things.

' Coooome...'

Huh? What was-


Oh no...I know that hiss-like call. Crap, I flew to close. No, no, no, no, no. I must fly away. I tried to fight it. But...the'! I took a sharp turned downward, taking Hiccup and Astrid by surprise. Then we were surrounded by smoke. "Toothless what's happening?" I ignored Hiccup's question. I focused all my strength to fight the hellish calling.

' Did you get enough?' I heard a dragon ask.

' I pray to Thor I did,' another dragon answered. Out of the smoke a horde of dragons-my horde-appeared. "Get down," I heard Hiccup whisper. Every nerve of my body was shaking in fear...I can't go back. Not with Humans! The nest rose out of the smoke with it's red glow. I didn't know if Hiccup and Astrid were scared or shocked at what they saw. I, was terrified. No, no, no, no, no, no. I fought back the urge whimper in fear. Before I could stop it we had flown right into the nest. "What my dad wouldn't give to find this," Hiccup said in aww. I stared down at the red mist. Don't smell me. Don't smell me. Don't smell me! I turned and flew to an empty patch of rock. I hid behind the pillar, praying that I wouldn't be found. Staying low to ground, I scanned the nest...wha-where are my friends? No...were they eaten!? Oh no. I fought back the tears that threaten to come. Then I heard a buzz. All three of us looked to it. I almost gasped. Oh thank Thor! That old Gronckle, he's still here. He hovered and dropped a single fish down into the red mist. He knows that's not enough. What's wrong with him? I squinted my eyes. Is he sick?

' Insufficient!' I cringed. Get out of there. Get out of there. The old Gronckle started to to fly away. But than She exploded from the mist and swallowed him whole. Every dragon in the nest ether hid or huddled together in fear. " What, was that?" Astrid asked. My heart began to pound wildly. My paws became antsy.

' Night Fury!' She stuck her head out of the mist, looking for me.


"Come on bud, "Hiccup said," we gotta get out of here."

She sniffed with her large nostrils. She glanced around the nest. We locked eyes. ' TRATIOR!' She lunged for me. Every dragon screamed and flew for the escape. This was flashback central. She climbed the rocky walls, trying to get to me. Sadly, a Hideous Zippleback was caught in her deadly jaws.


Thank Thor! We made it out. I flew straight back to the pit-or Cove-as Hiccup called it. The two talked about something. I was to scared out my wits to care. Maybe a drink can help. I took a few sips. When I glanced over, Astrid...kissed-is that humans call it?- Hiccup's cheek. It might have been nightime, but I saw Hiccup's cheeks turn red. Oooohhhh, I get it. Astrid ran off while Hiccup just watched. I walked up to him. 'I see, you like her.'

"W-What are you looking at?" Hiccup stuttered.

'Hey, your welcome man.'

From the Eyes of a Night FuryWhere stories live. Discover now