Talentless Show

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My name is Principal Adrian Fowler, and I covered up a murder to the point where it might as well not have ever happened.

After being one of the first on the scene, even beating the police, I bribed the only witness into silence, and caused a gas main break that burnt down an entire wing of the school. I made sure every senior student got a massive out of state scholarship, and that all the underclassmen where transferred to an Alaskan boarding school. I hid the bodies of the two murdered students, and by that I mean I walled off the areas the bodies where located.

I may have accidentally allowed a serial killer to get away though, as she or he murdered 4 other people, all of witch I strategically bribed officials to cover up completely. But it's all ok, because nearly every student murdered had a GPA lower than 1, and had been known to have been directly mentioned in at least one suicide note, as a cause. They where bad people. Ingelkin, and her minions know as 1, 4, 12, 15 and 19 all where murdered, and as far as I know 7 is the only one that still inhabits this area.

There's one hole in the plan. The male student who witnessed bodies and called the police lives in the area, and I still fear retribution from him, but so far he has been silent. He refuses to tell me the location or identity of the child that was found at the scene.

I'm sitting in my office, planning out the homecoming festivities, I'm typing out the audition sheet for the homing coming parade singer. Every year there's a talent show and the winner performs on the homecoming float.  There's only one real talent in this school, a girl named Andie Carson, tiny freshman, but she has a lot of soul in her. I'm looking forward to her audition, maybe it will make me forget how much this job stinks.

I hate this school and its students. Talentless, uneducated, worthless. Our football team hasn't made playoffs since 1998, the year that I had to erase. The average GPA is 1.7, and 74% of students report having used Marijuana in the school building. The only people worse than the students are the faculty, most of them are homeless because they don't work real jobs, and expect me to pay them more than minimum wage to do their jobs.

I make seven figures because I am an institutional leader. And because I embezzle. Every good thing here is because of me. I am the reason this school has hope. Students regularly talk to me in hopes I will reveal my genius, but I politely decline, because I would probably reveal my embezzlement. My secretary sends me a ring.

"Sarah Holiday's mother is here to talk to you." Said Melanie. She was in her mid 20's, maybe early 30's, and was mostly good as a hot piece of ass. I'm pretty sure she modeled for playboy or penthouse or something back when titties in magazines weren't frowned upon.

A woman in a black hoodie and blue jeans walks in.

I look at the computer and type in the name Sarah Holiday.

No results.

"I'm sorry, there must be some mistake. There is no-"

Before I know what's happening my vision blues out and I fall forward.

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