Death leads to love

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Melissa's POV


I heard a loud bang come from downstairs. I crept towards the steps and looked down into the foyer. Nothing was there. I shakily put my foot on the next step down. As I continued to walk down the steps I gained more courage. Eventually I was at the bottom. "He-he-hello? Is anybody here?" I called out. No answer. In the living room the tv was still on, yet no one was in there. I continued my journey into the kitchen. The lights were off so I could only see shadows. I saw a large shadow on the floor and a large shadow above it. I panicked and ran over to the light switch. I quickly flicked it on and screamed. "What the hell Brandon? That's mums best china! And I'm gonna get in trouble cause I'm supposed to be watching you."

"I'm sorry but I couldn't see too well and I knocked it over."

"Well, get a broom so we c-" I was cut off from the sound of a loud gunshot. We both dropped to the floor. Then we heard our door being kicked in.

"Brandon! Follow me. Hurry! We don't have much time." I whisper shouted to him. I started to crawl toward the back of our house. I hid in the closet and Brandon hid in the bathroom.

I really wanted to cry, but I had to stay strong for Brandon. He was a nervous wreck right now. The tears started to form in my eyes. Stay strong, stay strong. I keep repeating that to myself. I can't take it anymore. A really loud sob escaped my lips. Whatever direction the robbers were walking in changed as they charged towards us.

"Which door do you think they're in." One of the robbers asked.

" I don't know. I guess we'll just have to find ou-" he was cut off by a large scream on the other side of the bathroom door.

"I bet they're in there." The robber said.

NO! This isn't aloud to happen. Brandon! I open the door just in time to see them shoot him right in the chest.

"Alright, let's get what we want and clear out." The robber said to his partner.

I made sure they were gone before I got up and went over to the bathroom. I checked Brandon's pulse. It was there, but it was faint.

"Brandon! Can u hear me!" He may have been able to hear me, but I was crying so hard he probably couldn't understand me. He started to move a little. I got a towel to apply pressure to his wound.

"Melissa? Is that you?" He asked, coughing.

"Yea it is. Hold on. I will call 911 and maybe you'll live." I started to get up before Brandon stopped me.

"I'm gonna die anyway. I just wanted you to know that I love you. I will always love you. I hope you can find someone else to fill the gap I'm gonna leave in your heart. I know that you love me too even though we fight. You would have took the bullet for me. I love you." He said before coughing a few more times, but this time blood came out. I sat over his body for a few minutes crying before I got up and called the ambulance. They quickly arrived and put him on a gurney. I sunk into the background so I wouldn't get in the way. A few police officers had asked me questions and told me they would look for the robbers/killers.

I heard a lot of noise coming from the living room so I walked over there. I saw my parents. They looked very confused. I would have been confused too. There are tons of police officers and hospital workers in here.

"Melissa! What is going on in here?" My mother yelled. She didn't know what happened yet. I broke down in tears from the memories. A police officer came over to explain it to them.

I walked upstairs and sat on my bed. I need to forget. That's it. If I can forget then everything will be okay.

I found out later after my parents calmed down that we were going to move to Wolverhampton. It's where my family lives. I'm excited to leave the house and all it's bad memories. I wouldn't have been able to bear being here any longer.

We pulled up to our new house a few days later. It was large and white. There were a lot of flowers scattered across the yard. I was going to like it here. I was admiring the house when I heard someone yell.

"Watch out!" I tried to jump out of the way, but I was too late. I looked up to see a boy and a bicycle on top of me. The boy looked about 16 like me. He stood up and picked the bike up. He extended his hand for me so he could help me up.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to do that I'm such a klutz. Please forgive me." He said, talking kind of fast.

"It's okay. Accidents happen. Oh, I'm Melissa. I just moved in here."

"Oh, hi. I'm Liam. I live next door."

"Nice to meet you. Do you want to come inside?" I asked hoping he would cause he was super cute.

"Sorry. I can't. I have to get home before my mum realizes I was gone. I wasn't supposed to leave because we had company, but I couldn't take it anymore. I hope they don't think I'm constipated because I said I was going to the toilet and I've been in there for 35min." He said chuckling.

"Okay. Well you better get back. See you around." I said as I walked back to my house.

Damn he was cute!

Written by: @rebeccaloveable266




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