8| His Jersey

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Today's Tuesday and the football game was tomorrow. I was deciding whether I was going or not. My phone was ringing. I answered it. "Hello?" I asked it was Anna-Mae. "You have to come to the game tomorrow; we need an extra cheerleader." I groaned, "already?" She begged until I said yes. I guess I was cheering at the game, how fun!

While I was on the phone, some else was calling me, "Anna, I'll have to call you later." I answered the other line to Cooper. "Quinn, there's a game-"I finished his sentence. "Wednesday, I know."

"I don't remember telling you." I chuckled, "you didn't; Andre did." The line was silent for a minute. Did Cooper pass out or something? "Did you say, Andre? Unbelievable." I rolled my eyes, though Cooper couldn't see.

"You know Quinn. I was going to ask you to wear my jersey but, I think Andre has that covered." I groaned in annoyance. "Cooper, this is stupid."

"Yeah, well, I gotta go." The line was dead.


Cooper didn't speak to me the whole school day; he didn't even sit at the same lunch table as us. He was overreacting. I talked to Andre once. Did he expect me to be rude and ignore him?

Ashley told me she'd take me home after the game. We listened to pop songs, like Katy Perry, and sung to our hearts content! Once we got into the parking lot, I looked around. "Will Brandi be joining us?" She shook her head, "nope."

"Wanna talk about it?" I asked. She kept walking, kicking gravel. "Nope." I had a firm grip on her shoulder, "Ash-" she removed my hand. "Quinn were just taking a break." She shrugged.

We walked towards the concession stand; Ashley complained about being thirsty. She was about to hand the needed money when Andre slapped a five-dollar down on the counter. "I got it." Ashley looked between Andre and me.

"I'll go find us a seat." She hurried towards the bleachers. I protested, trying to call her back. I was left alone with Andre Sanders again. "I heard Cooper offered you to wear his jersey?" Word travels fast around here. "Actually, he was going to, but something happened." I didn't want to tell him about Cooper's overrated meltdown.

"You could wear mine instead." He grinned, looking proud of himself. That would only anger Cooper more; I didn't want to do that. "Thanks but, I have to decline." He looked disappointed. "Games about to start." He excused himself.

Making my way to the bleachers, I sat with Ashley. Anna looked worried, "Quinn, remember you're filling in?" She's talking about cheering. My shoulders slumped. "I was hoping you were going to forget." She pulled me towards the girls' locker room. "This is the spare uniform, hurry okay!" I squeezed on the uniform top. I couldn't go out like this!

The skirt barely covered my butt; how could any girl wear this? I walked out of the girls' locker room, uncomfortable than ever. "Um, Quinn?" I looked back at Andy. "Yeah?" He tried to shield me from prying eyes. "Are you seriously walking around like this?" I laughed. "It's just until the game is over." He looked wide-eyed. "Can't you get leggings or something?" I smiled; this is most likely how Anna felt.

"Andy, I'll be fine." He looked around. "At least let me walk you to the rest of the cheerleaders; there are too many perverted guys out here." I giggled, "sure."

Anna smiled as she saw Andy and I approaching. "Thanks Andy!" He was back to his non-caring, quiet demeanor. "You know the cheers, right?" I nodded, "sadly." She nudged me, "this will be fun!" I looked back to the bleachers. Ashley was staring at something; I followed her gaze to Brandi. Or someone. Brandi was wearing Andre's jersey, a smirk evident on her face when she caught me looking.

I turned when the game started, following the rest of the cheerleaders.


The game was over, and we had won again! I made sure to cheer Cooper on loud and clear, though he was still mad at me. When the game was over, Cooper was still in his uniform, as was I. He called me over.

"Q, I heard you cheering for me." He said awkwardly. I shrugged. "What's a best friend for?" Was this his way of apologizing? If so, he's terrible at it. "I'm an asshole." He sighed. "Yeah, you are." I laughed. "Hug it out?" He offered. I hug him but soon backed away. "You're all sweaty!" He grinned, "you love it!"

"Quinn, I'm leaving," Ashley yelled to me. "I'm coming." I smiled. I looked over towards Cooper. "I gotta go, Coop." He smiled, "see ya later, Q."

Ashley and I rode to my house, without any music. "Can you believe her?" Ashley suddenly said, disgust in her tone. "Believe who?" She parked in my driveway before slamming her hands into the steering wheel. "Brandi, she's so..uh!" I chuckled; I had never seen Ashley so worked up. "Ash, I'm sure you guys will make up." She glanced at me.

"And did you see her wearing his jersey?" I nodded, "I saw."

"It's funny how both of our crushes of hanging out with each other, trying to make us jealous!" I looked at Ashley like she was out of her mind. Did I hear her correctly? Did she call Andre Sanders my crush? There was no way on Earth he will ever be my crush!

"Ashley, I do not like Andre." She looked at me and laughed. Then she looked at with a confused expression. "Quinn, you can't be serious." She giggled; what was so funny?

"Everyone can see that you like him; it's no secret." I was speechless. What did she mean, everyone? Everyone but me. "Well, they need to get through their heads that I don't like Andre Sanders, and I don't think I ever will." She playfully rolled her eyes. "If you say so, Quinn." I crossed my arms over my chest, "I do." She laughed, "Goodnight, Quinn." I opened the door, "goodnight." Before I closed the door, I said, "I don't like Andre." I walked into my house, and my mother was waiting for me.

"Do I look like I like Andre Sanders?" Ashley must have been bluffing. Everyone did not think that, did they? "Quinn, I knew you liked him when I first saw him." My mom giggled.

"I don't like him!" I protested. My mom nodded. "Quinn, it's okay. You don't want to admit it to yourself." I shook my head. "No, what is there to like about him?" She shrugged, "you tell me." I mumbled incoherent words, marching to my room in a state of confusion. Everyone could think what they wanted, but I knew that I didn't like Andre Sanders.

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