17| More Apologies

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"Does anyone want to explain why there are two idiots at my door?" I asked; I was so tired of going through the same thing. It wasn't enjoyable!

Andre rubbed the back of his neck while Cooper blankly stared at me.

"Don't speak at once." I waited. Cooper began, "We came to see you, Quinn." He smiled; that won't work on me this time.

"Well, I don't want to see you." I attempted to close the door, but Andre's doorway was in between. "Andre, move your foot," I demanded.

"Quinn, you're going to talk to us." Cooper and Andre both barged in.

"I don't want to talk!" I was tired of talking, especially with Cooper.

"That's too bad." Andre and Cooper were already seated on the couch.

"Never Been Kissed...it's a classic." Cooper nodded towards the television screen. "Speak before I change my mind." I sat across from Andre.

"I think I should go first," Cooper said; it was silent as we waited.

"Quinn, I'm sorry. I've realized I've just been a bossy asshole! I didn't want you to have any relationship with Andre because we fell out of our friendship. I guess I was just jealous he was gonna take my best friend away from me." Like that would ever happen.

Andre taking me away from Cooper? Jealousy can really make a person say and do crazy things.

I was deep in thought; it was a good enough apology for now. Cooper has to make it up to me with actions. I didn't trust words as easy.

"Quinn, I just wanted you to know, I'm not that idiot you've heard rumors about. Everybody makes mistakes-" Cooper laughed. "And everybody has those days; everybody knows what, what I'm talking bout!" Andre and I shot him a glare.

"Sorry." He pouted.

"And if you let me, I really think we could have a relationship together." A smile appeared on my face.

"All these sappy feeling makes me want to puke," Cooper mumbled, walking to the restroom. Now he understands how I feel around him and Lilli.

"So, will you give me a chance?" He asked. I shrugged. "Maybe." He nodded, "I can accept a maybe-" I was happy he understood how I felt. "for now."

There Andre was back to his flirtatious, goofy self. Oh, now I did not miss it at all!

"And Andre, try to rebuild your friendship with Coop. I think it's what you guys both secretly want." I winked, causing him to chuckle.

"So, what'd I miss?" Cooper came back into the living room. "Nothing, I'm exhausted...I think you guys should go now." I stretched.

"Oh, look, Andre driving Quinn away again." Andre shrugged. "Shut up." He responded weakly. Cooper glanced at me. "Is he okay? He only responded with shut up." Cooper continued to tease.


It was Monday after the start of winter break. I'd seen Cooper once. We watched Frozen. Of course, Cooper initially objected but soon sung along to every song.

Mom came home a little earlier than she usually does. Today she walked in cheerfully. "Guess who got an edible arrangement?" She stuffed the fruit basket in my hand.

"-A.S?" I read aloud. Andre Sanders...

"Andre, is he your boyfriend?" Mom asked.

"He is far from it," I mumbled. "Well, I think he's adorable." Mom put the fruit in the fridge. "I'm sure he's glad you think so." I chuckled.

"I know you think he's cute too." She pinched my cheek.

"I do not." I swatted her hand away while she grinned. "You can't hide it from me; I'm your mother."

I decided to text Andre.

From Quinn.

Thanks for the edible arrangement. x)

From Andre.

Go on a date with me?

Well, he's straight to the point.

From Quinn.


From Andre.

Go on a date with me, plus you owe me.

From Quinn.

How do I owe you?

From Andre.

You spent the whole day with Cooper, leaving me out!

From Quinn.

You poor thing :(

From Andre.

And I'm glad you're making it up to me, see you Friday night ;)

From Quinn.

I didn't agree to this!

From Andre.

Your mother said you did, so you're going. ;)

I looked up from my phone screen, looking at my mother in horror. "When did you tell Andre I'd go on a date with him?" She picked through the fruit in the basket.

"I forgot to tell you, I saw him at the store, and he asked if it would okay to take you on a date." I groaned; of course, my mother would approve.

"I know you like him a lot; quit being in denial!" I argued, "I'm not in denial." She waved her hand in dismissal. "Whatever you say!" I sighed.

Well, it looks like I'm going on a date.

*Shorter than the original 😭*

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