Chapter 31 - "My Girl."

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My Over Protective Brothers. Copyright © 2015. All Rights Reserved.

"Every exit is an entrance somewhere else." - Unknown.


The next day Sawyer stormed, angry and a red face to match the steam coming out from her ears. She began shouting and yelling about how stupid I was and how I didn't tell her about Liam, then she said how I didn't tell her I kissed Tyler which them led to Bennett shouting about kissing boys and shit. Then she began kissing all over my face and we were laughing at Bennett shouting and shit.

They Ty chose the best time to walk in, man this day was going great. I just waved at him and he waved back from behind the big bunch of flowers.

He had his perfect smile on his face showing his perfect set off teeth. He had a faint blush to his cheeks.

"Guys, can you excuse us for a while?" I realised that was a bad thing to say because Bennett went off on one again.

"BENNETT," I got his attention, "I am going to be fine. I won't kiss him and he won't kiss me right Ty?" He nodded.

"You kiss her, boy you wish you was still in the womb." Bennett pointed his finger at Ty.

Once they both went out the room, me and Tyler began staring at each other. He walked slowly over to me.

"Why did you tell me that the L person was no one because clearly he was someone."

"I just wanted to protect you Ty. He would hurt everyone that was close to me." I sat up slowly.

"I don't care I could protect you Aspen, god damn it you make me so damn angry." He carried on rambling but I grabbed his shirt and slammed my lips on his.

"You talk too much." I said against his lips.

"I think I like talking too much." I felt him smirk against my lips.

I bit his bottom lip and nibbled on it, I grabbed the back of his head and pulled him closer to me. He pulled back and ran his tongue over his lips.

"I don't want to rush things Aspen, but I want to be with you." He smiled and grabbed my hand.

"Really?" I grinned at him.

"Really, I got your brothers permission and now Aspen Anderson be my girl please?" He wiggled his eyebrows.

"Your girl huh?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Be mygirlfriend please your killing me here." He groaned.

I pulled him so our noses were touching, "Yes I'll be-" I never got to finish because Tyler slammed his lips onto mine, I began giggling. Wait hold up. I giggled. Ew.

"That was cute." He pulled back from the kiss.

"Oh shut up." I pushed him on the chair and straddled him the best I could without being in too much pain.

"Careful Aspen."

"I'm fine." I winced when I lent on my cast.

"See be careful." I got comfy but my eyes widen when I felt his arousal. "Fuck, stop moving so much." He said with a painful expression.

"Why is Tyler Junior hurting even when I look like shit?" I pouted.

"Baby you'll always look beautiful to me."

"Now where was we." I grinned and with that I pressed my lips to him.

"AHHHH MY EYES!" I heard shout. I groaned and buried my head in Tyler's shoulder.

I turned to see Hayden and Grayson, "Guys come on don't be so selfish I can kiss my boyfriend."

They began screaming, "Aspen has a boyfriend, Aspen has a boyfriend. Woo hoo."

Then everyone walked in. My brothers, Sawyer, Hunter, Aiden and Trey.

Brett and Bennett was glaring at my positon I was in while everyone was jumping around.

Man I wouldn't trade any of these for anyone else or anything else.

My Over Protective Brothers. | #Wattys 2016.Where stories live. Discover now