Welcome to my "Wonderful"life

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Rosalie's POV***

Life for me is and most likely will never be good for me. I say this because as I lay on the forest floor all alone as my bones break piece by piece. I know I'll never have a happy ending. Let me start from the beginning.

Two days before today

I woke up to the sound of screaming and growls. What the efe. Do people not care that others are sleeping... Wait they care if others minus me are sleeping. Oh shit!!

'Wake up Rosie!!' yelled my wolf Tea.

I forgot to wake up and make the pack breakfast, after last nights beating I couldn't handle the pain and blacked out all I felt was my one and only friend jack Cary me to my roo- wait not room but broom closet.

Anyway I jumped out of bed trying to hurry I didn't bother with a shower knowing that taking one would get me in deeper shit. I took the steps one at a time ignoring the bad ache in my bones. I quickly fled in to the kitchen and go straight to work. And no matter how fast I could cook it would never be fast enough because soon all of the teens along with some adults ran in. They saw me cooking but they also saw that their wasn't enough food for everybody.
Realizing that I started to cook faster, when all of a sudden I was spun around by the soon to Alpha. Derick.
Though I would never tell anyone , I have always had a crush on him. Even though he beats me up I can't help but like him. Nobody notices it but I always cover up my emotions, so nobody sees the loving glances I give him.
As I'm being spun around I was shoved into the counter and just like that you could hear one of my ribs break.
"You fucking bitch!! Where the Hell is the Damn food!!" Derick shouted at me," ssssorry.. I I swear I I diddn't mean to sleep iin-" I was of course cut off by Ashely the slut of the pack. Or also known as derick's whore of a girlfriend as well as my so called "Sister" (though I know she will never be my true sister because family is supposed to back you up. She along with my brother Brock will never have my back. I am a disappointment to my family though I don't know why. I have never done anything to them.) Everybody thinks she will be Derick's mate.
" Nobody cares just get our food, you fat ass cow!!" Ashley yelled at me. She soon went over to Derick and tried to calm him down. By calm him down I meant make out with him and make plans to have sex later in the day.

'Don't worry. I'm sure once we meet our mate. Everything will be okay.' My wolf tried to cheer me up

'Yeah. I hope so."

I silently turned around and finished cooking as fast as I could. While trying to remove the tears from my eyes.
Soon I was done and because I forgot to cook I wasn't given anything. That was also expected, never has anyone actually wanted to feed me. Sure they give me food but only because they need me to live so they can torture me some more.   
I walked into school and went to my locker and straight to class. The teacher looked up from the desk  only to give me a dirty glare. " So did you finish Wednesday's homework Ms.Bened?" Mr.Lark asked me in as disgusted of a voice as he could muster. " Yes sir" I said and took out the sheet and showed him. He silently nodded and I was allowed to quietly sulk by the window. My whole 17 years of life were terrible. My own family hate and to me and so does my pack. Mentally and physically. I'm just glad they didn't try to rape me. But nobody can be sure this is high school, and boys are really strange, oh not to mention that we are werewolves. Soo yup.

'Hey. I am positive nobody in this school would actually do that to us.' my wolf tried once again to cheer me up.

The day went by just like any other however I was surprised because I was not met with the soon to be beta of our pack. Also known as my "wonderful" big brother.

As I was just sitting under a tree I thought about my mother my real mom. Not the one I have right now. My step mom is plain bitch and my so called dad is a douche. But still I expected this treatment form my step mom but not my dad or sister or brother.
Soon someone was blocking the sun and casting a shadow over me. I looked up only to see the eyes of my one and only friend. I mean we never really talked he just hung around me. I'm guessing he just felt bad. Soon he abruptly got up. But we still had a good 30 minutes till class started. But then I look straight ahead and saw my brother, Darius and my sister along with a bunch of other pack members walking towards me. I swallowed the lump in my throat and prepared my self for what was to come. I looked to Jack only to see him already looking at me and anger towards the "cult"( Darius, Ashley,Brock and along with other teens) and towards me with sadness and guilt.
Soon way too soon, the shadow of the cult was surrounding me. I was then punched by Brock. "So.. Let me guess you thought I wouldn't beat you up about this morning or tell dad. Or that I would just leave you alone. Too bad so sad. Get ready for hell bitch." Brock yelled in my face. Soon I felt the pain of punched being thrown and slaps as well as the usual" You are a fat bitch, whore, cow!! Why don't u just go die!! All you are is a waste of space!!" I don't understand how everybody found this funny because I sure as Hell did not.
After the 20 or so minutes of beatings and insults they left. And Jack came running towards me." Are you ok. Look I'm sorry if I could do something I would. Truly, and I know we don't talk but I want you to know that I consider you my friend." He said while helping me up. I just stood in shock that he was even talking to me. I gave him a small smile and nodded to tell him I felt the same. Then he took me to the nurse. She didn't like me either but she didn't want me to be in all this pain because as a nurse it was her job to help people.

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