Pains of Death

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Rosalie's POV****

My body was on fire and I was a burning inferno. My bones were breaking and twisting in every which way. I was screaming for hours. I knew that soon these would become the pains of death. Then like a light in the dark tunnel came the sounds of stomping paws. Growls ripped through the air. But I kept on screaming. One wolf came up to me and licked me. I snuggled closer to him. Then I felt a hand go around mine. And a deep, velvety and husky like voice say through all the darkness. "Don't give up!! I am with you every single step of the way. Just relax. Let the pain in. I will make sure that you get through this." After an hour or so of these soft murmurings. My bones stopped cracking and all the pain went and a new voice filled my mind

Get ready because, this will most likely be one of our best moments together. And my name is Hope.


Soon I shifted and broke out of my skin only to feel fur on my body. I stood on wobbly legs and looked up to see awe struck people. The strangers in front of me immediately got down on their knees and bowed. My wolf barked as if to tell them to stand and they did. I tried to talk to them even though I knew i couldn't

'Why did you all bow down to me? Especially since one of you is an Alpha and I have known that Alpha's are very pride full'

they all gasped at the mindlink except for the alpha.

' Come let us take you to our home. There we will explain. It that bag right they're yours?' The Alpha asked and pointed to my bag. I nodded my big fluffy head. Soon we were all heading back to their house me in wolf form and them in human form. As I walked I realized that it was night time. As I was staring at the stars my view was disturbed by a huge mansion. My wolf jaw dropped all the people which consisted of 2 red headed twin boys, one dirty blond hair guy who was hugging a long curly haired brunette. And a very beach blonde girl. She looked like one of those complete snooty stuck up girls but I knew better that to judge by looks. And another guy with spiked hair. Then their was the Alpha. Who was tall, handsome, brooding, dark mysterious and.. sexy.

Any how all the people just gave a slight chuckle at my expression and i just snorted and kept walking. They opened the door for me and showed my to a room with a full body mirror in it. What I saw was astounding. I had white fur with baby blue specks in it and baby blue diamonds every where and on my forehead was a real diamond shaped shape. The jewels seemed to be made a part of me.

'So how do I shift back' I asked the Alpha.

'Just think of your human self' he simply responded. And that is what I did they all shouted in protest but I didn't know why. When I had shifted back they all covered their eyes. "Umm why are you all covering your eyes?" They all peaked through their hands and looked at me. I looked down only to see I had clothes on though they were different I was still clothed.

"Okay let's get down to business. I am going to lay everything down for you. You are a diamond wolf. Everybody thought that they were myths but you are real so the myths are real. You are the most loved and strongest of the moon goddesses wolves. She favors you over all others. You are like her best friend. It is said you have magic powers, like fire, wind, water earth, electricity and of course you can conjure up diamonds and shit." He looked at me.."Cool!!! Man I can't wait to test all this shit out!!... wait one second... what are your names?" I asked while cocking my head to the side.

They all look at each other as they realized that they forgot to introduce theam selves. The twins started "I am Blake and that is Jerry. We are the trouble makers. If you decide to stay can you be our sister. We always wanted a sister!!!" They pleaded I just looked at them then the dirty blond guy hit the back of their heads."OOWW!!" They both shouted that caused me tolaugh. " I am sorry for the twins behavior. My name is Tyler and that is my mate. Angle." The girl gave me a sweat smile and a wave. Then the blond came up and gave me a big hug."Hi!!! My name is amy. We are going to be awsome friends." She said while bounceing up and down. I already liked her. Then came the spiky guy."Hi. Im spike. Ironic isn't it my hair is spiky and my name is spike." He said and gave a light chuckle. Lastly came the alpha." My name is Tobias. I am the Alpha of this pack. We are the MIdnight Shadow pack. And as the twins said. Please join us. I would love to have you here." As he spoke he never took his eyes off of me and slowly a slight heat started to rise on my cheeks. " Awwww. Tobias!!! You made her blush... Wait what is Your name?" "Oh yeah. My name is Rosalie Heart Benned. And I would love to join your pack." As I said that I felt a yawn comeing on." Okay guys lets leave Rosie alone. We will have time to get to know her tommarow." Tobias shooed them all out. When they all left we were just standing in a sort of awkward silence . Some how I started to sway as a wave of dizzyness swept over me. I would have fallen if it weren't for Tobias who ran over to me. And as soon as he caught me I felt sparks."mate" We both said. As soon as he learned that a smile that took my breath away was put on his face and it showed off his dimples. I was scared. I wasn't sure if he would accept me and even if he did ... After everything that I have been through it would take a while for me to build my self back again. " So for now lets let you rest." He said. He carried me over to my bed and tucked me in. Before he left I grabbed his hand and pleaded."Don't leave me just yet. At least wait till I go to sleep. Please stay I don't want to be alone I have been alone for almost 9 years, Please stay." The look on his face was anger and because I thought he was mad at me I flinched away."Never mind." I whispered suddenly scared."No wait did you think I would hurt you my mate.!!??I will never hurt you. I was mad at the bastards who kept you so alone." he said as he caressed my cheek and sat down by me until I fell asleep. That night I slept in peace and joy.

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