Chapter 1

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Lauren was sitting in a field some place familiar when she saw her. The picture of elegance, a real life angel. Slowly standing up, as to not startle the girl, Lauren called out softly,


"Hello Lauren," the other girl giggled.

"It has been a while, huh?"

"What's that they say? Absence makes the heart grow fonder," flirted Camila.

"I don't need absence for my heart to grow fonder of you,"

This caused the younger girl to blush softly. With a rush of confidence, Lauren sauntered over to Camila until she was but inches from her. 

"Is your heart fond of mine?"

"All too fond, I'm afraid," the brown-eyed girl replied with a cheeky smile.

Cupping the shorter girl's cheek, Lauren looked into her eyes for any sign of hesitance before leaning in-"LAUREN! THIS IS THE THIRD TIME I HAVE HIT YOU WITH THIS PILLOW, IF YOU DO NOT GET UP IMMEDIATELY I WILL BE FORCED TO POUR ICE WATER ON YOU!"

Blinking away what was possibly the best dream she has ever had, the raven-haired girl peered up at her annoyingly persistent friend, Dinah.

"Dinah, seeing as you just woke me from an amazing dream, I'm giving you to the count of five before I hunt you down, trap you, and remove every single strand of your precious hair from your head."

Dinah, eyes filled with fear, quickly darted out of the room.

"One!" Lauren sat up, ready to chase after her pesky friend.


Chasing after Dinah was difficult, seeing as the taller girl knew her house as well as Lauren did. As she ran along the second floor's hallway she made sure to check every room, even her brother's, despite all the, 'Warning' and, 'Keep out' signs that littered his door.

After checking every upstairs room, Lauren recalled what Dinah referred to as her, 'Zombie Apocalypse Safe Spot'. Running down into the basement, she swiftly made her way to their minibar, and opened up the liquor cabinet.

"Say your prayers!" yelled Lauren, playfully yanking Dinah out of the storage space and tackling her to the ground, all the while tickling her mercilessly.

"Uncle! Uncle! I'm sorry Jauregui!" Dinah managed between the laughing spurts.

"Say the magic words!"

"L-Lauren Jauregui is the s-super coolest cat!"

"The entire thing!"

"E-Even cooler than Dinah!"

Finally, Lauren bestowed Dinah with mercy, and quit her attacks, hopping off of her best friend and lending her a helping hand to get up.

"You're a real jerk in the mornings, you know that?"

"Oh hush, you love me." Lauren responded, smirking.

"Whatever 'Regui, we have to hurry, because someone wouldn't wake up and leave dream land ft. Cabello to get ready!" Dinah retorted, with a smirk of her own, causing the confident Lauren to crack.

"Shut up!"

Pulling into the school's parking lot, Lauren almost ran over a freshmen in her haste to search for the goddess she was blessed to live next door to. She had taken note that Camila had left earlier than usual this morning, seeing as her car was not in its usual spot when she checked out her window that morning. And if there was one thing Lauren knew about the Cuban girl, it was that she had a liking for consistency, whether it meant being the first one into all their shared classes, which just so happened to be Lauren's favorites, Science, Art, and Choir, or leaving for school every day at exactly six-o-clock.

Not that Lauren kept track.

Disappointed that her search came out fruitless, Lauren headed for class only to remember there would be a mandatory field trip to Cowell Industries, a company devoted to the experimentation and development of hybrid species. This trip was for their current unit on the functions and properties of arthropods, and because of it, she hadn't needed to bring her million pound book bag today, which frustratingly, she had forgotten.

Upon entering the classroom, Lauren was pleasantly surprised to see that only the very girl she had been looking for occupied the room. Yet when they made eye contact, the pale-skinned girl quickly became flustered and headed towards her usual seat, dropping her bag unceremoniously and quickly pulling out her sketchbook. She hastily flipped to the most recent page, which was coincidentally, a piece inspired by Camila. The scene showed a familiar silhouette sitting on the edge of a small cliff, completely radiating underneath the soft glow of the moon. Lauren decided to finish the drawing by adding all the details necessary to the scenery, and reached into her bag easily finding her favorite art pencil.

Finally at ease in her artistic state of mind, Lauren didn't even notice the chair next to hers slide against the floor signalling someone sitting next to her. She was just adding shading to the moon when a soft voice cut in, "You have a lovely style, Lauren."

And because this thoroughly startled Lauren, she nearly jumped five feet in the air.

"Oh my god! You scared me Camila!" the raven-haired girl yelled.

Camila simply giggled, "I'd say I was sorry, but I'm afraid I'd be lying. Your reaction was priceless." she teased.

"Glad to hear I amuse you." replied Lauren, trying to keep an angry face, but failing miserably.

Camila seemed to hesitate, as if she were about to say something, but when she finally worked up the courage the teacher finally arrived, interrupting their short interaction by stating, "Oh, I'm glad to see you're here Camila, are you still up for helping me bring these water bottles to the buses?"

"Of course Ms. Lovato, I came early just to help. I'll talk to you later Lauren?" Camila questioned looking back towards Lauren hopefully.

"I look forward to it." Replied Lauren, smiling a crooked smile as the smaller girl giggled before rushing to help Ms. Lovato, soon disappearing from the room with a wagon full of H20.

Thank you so much for reading!!!!!! This is my first story, which I'm thinking will be over 8 parts :P I would love any suggestions for the story, and hope you all like it :) 


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