Chapter 4

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Lauren's POV:

When we arrived back at the school, I began to sweat profusely. Like, more than I ever had in my life. But luckily for me, Camila and I had parted ways before it started.

At first, I thought it was just anxiety over my discovery of the so called, 'Super-Human' spider that had bit me. I mean, those little bugs were glowing for Pete's sake! But then I remembered; I don't usually sweat when I'm anxious, I just freak out.

By now, it was a couple more hours until school got out, and I could not wait that long. After quickly telling Mr. Reid that I was sick, I all but sprinted to my car and raced home. 

As I ran in through the door of my house, I was relieved to see no one was home yet. My bed was calling my name, but I couldn't rest just yet, I needed to check on the spider bite's condition first. So, I took a left right before my room into the bathroom and lifted off my shirt.

I swear my heart stopped from looking at my reflection.

The bite had swelled to, what I'm guessing, was three times it's original size. In terms of color, I was now sporting blue and red spots all over my neck and back. Ew. 

As I continued to analyze my case of, 'Mutant spider attack' my vision became blurry and my head began to pound. 

And then everything went black.

When I woke up, I had a killer headache, a sore back, and my shirt was still off. 

I had passed out in my bathroom.

Groaning, I tried to use the door handle as a support to pull myself up, which promptly failed when it broke off as easily as a potato chip.

What the heck?

Begrudgingly, I summoned my own strength and stood up from the ground. Just to jump back in surprise at the current six-pack that had taken the place of my normally flat stomach. Not to mention, my usual thin arms and legs were now replaced by more defined, and muscled limbs.

Am I dreaming? If I can recall how real life works, people don't just wake up with six-packs.

Turning around, I also noticed the spots were now gone, and a little, x-shaped scar was residing in the bite's old spot. And as if things couldn't be more different, my usually pale, lifeless face, now consisted of more defined cheek bones, seemingly bigger lips, and a sharper jaw.


I decided to stop ogling this new version of myself, and head to bed to sleep off the rest of my exhaustion. This day had been too exciting and odd to be conscious any longer.

I know what you did last summer,

Look me in the eyes my lover,

I know what you did last summer,

Tell me where you've been...

I slam my hand down on my alarm at the sound of Shawn Mendes' song,'Ikwydls'. I'm not ready for the is my enemy. I crack my back while sitting up, shivering at the lack of warmth in my home this morning. With a few yawns, I make my way to the bathroom.

Looking in the mirror, I am reminded of my previous surprise by my new appearance. It's slowly turning into good surprise though, because honestly, it's pretty cool having a six-pack.

After brushing my teeth and hair, applying a smidgen of make-up, and changing into my out fit for the day, I grab my bag ready to head out for school.

"Don't forget to grab something for breakfast!" Comes my mom's voice from down stairs.

Sliding down the stair's rail, I make it to the kitchen in all of five seconds. I snatch an apple and  yogurt from the fridge, and head outside to my car, yelling a good-bye over my shoulder. After I've hopped into my vehicle, I notice Camila's car is still in the drive way, and said girl looking very upset with it. I exit my car and swiftly make my way over to the other girl, a new found confidence urging me on.

"Car troubles?" I ask concernedly.

"A flat tire, and the day after I get it cleaned too." 

She is literally so beautiful, I want to kiss the pout off of her face. But instead, I reply with, "How about I give you a ride?"

Finally she turns to me, about to respond until she takes in my appearance, eyes raking over me from head to toe.

"Wow, Lauren... you look hot-I mean really good! Not that you don't usually look amazing, but something seems different today... Maybe your hair? Make-up? I'll stop talking now."

I can't help the laugh and smirk that come from me, she just called me hot, and is blushing adorably. 

"Thank you Camz, but I can't compare to your looks." I add a wink for good measure.

Her blush darkens.

"Is that ride still an option?"

"For you, anytime."

We start to head to my car, but Camz trips, and in a split second, my arms are wrapped securely around her waist holding her just inches from the ground. 

"Careful Camz." I say slyly, but I don't move us from our position.

"I don't know how you managed to catch me, nice reflexes Lolo." she compliments, astonishment clear on her face.

It seems we keep getting into these situations, where all we do is smile goofily at each other for long amounts of time.

Suddenly the energy shifts when she looks at my lips. I, in response, stare directly at her eyes seeing, what looks like, desire and caution. Both of us lean in, and just before our lips touch, I move my face and kiss her cheek, making sure to just barely brush the corner of her mouth as she had done to me. Then, in her shocked state, I lift her up to a standing position and say with a cat-like grin, "Let's get going, we don't want to be late."

I walk back towards my car, and in my peripheral, I see her shake her head with a silly little grin before following after me. 

Thank you for reading!!!! I can't believe there's already more than 20 views on each chapter!! That makes me so happy :D I'm also happy to take any suggestion or ideas for the story so I can make it the best it can be :P Bye!!!


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