Chapter 7

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Camila's POV: (Same day as last chapter)

"Hey Camz," comes Lauren's voice from behind me.

As I take in my surroundings, I notice I am in the middle of a small clearing in a compact forest. The light is shining through the trees, and I'm stunned at the beauty of the place.

"Hello, Lolo!" I respond cheerfully. It's odd, whenever I am around Lauren lately, I just feel an overwhelming sense of happiness...

"C'mere, I have something I want to show you!" she says, rushing forward and taking my hand to lead me to this mystery place, a warm smile gracing her features.

I feel sparks when our hands connect.

"Lolo!" I shout giggling, "Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise Camz, therefore, I cannot tell."

I huff in an act of pretend anger as she continues to lead me through the forest. Suddenly, she stops at a particularly thick covering of leaves hanging from an old willow tree.

"This," she begins, gesturing to the tree, "Is it."

I look at her confused, why would she bring me here?

"I bet you are thinking why I would bring you here, huh? Well Camz, this tree protects a secret, come closer and I'll show you."

I find myself obeying her command, and it occurs to me, that even though it was just recently that we revived our friendship, I still have an unwavering trust in her.

Lauren takes my hand, causing those same sparks to reappear, and slowly lifts her other hand to move the curtain of leaves aside, revealing almost complete darkness. Then she begins to lead me into the underbrush of the old tree.

As we continue to walk, little lights begin to appear, emitting a soft glow upon me an Lauren. I look closely at one of these lights and discover that it is in fact, not a light, but a firefly.

When Lauren stops walking, she doesn't let go of my hand. Instead she takes a couple steps forward and does something that surprises me.

She rests her forehead on mine, and I let her.

I find myself locked in a trance induced by those striking emerald eyes. How have I never noticed that they have little speckles of gold in them?

"Camz," she interrupts my thinking, "I have a secret to tell you."

Her eyes waver, and her head ducks slightly. I find myself reaching out my hand and cupping her cheek to reassure her.

When she lifts her eyes back up to make contact with mine, I find an emotion that I hand't seen before; longing.

What do you long for, my sweet Lolo?


I jolt up in my bed, nearly having a heart attack at the sound of my alarm clock.

Was that a dream?

"It couldn't have been..." I whisper to my empty room.

What did Lauren have to tell me? Where was that place?

Sparing a glance at my clock, I realized I had been in such deep thought that 30 minutes had passed.

"So much for getting to school early."

Hey guys! Okay, so this is super short, but it's kind of a split chapter between this one and the next one, and I figured I haven't updated in a SUPER long time, so here it is! Chapter 7! I promise to start updating more regularly, things are just kind of crazy in my life right now. I am also planning on starting another Camren story, so if you'd like, you can check that out too :) Bye for now!


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