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"Grace are you awake?" I heard Scott say as he popped his head in the door.
"I am now. What time is it?" I asked as I rubbed my eyes.
"7:00 o'clock..." He mumbled as he walked in.
"In the morning?" I said through gritted teeth.
"Yeah..." He mumbled again.
"Why are you waking me up this early?" I said slightly raising my voice.
" I just wanted to check on you I was worried after last night I was really scared; I don't know your one of my best friends and the thought of someone hurting you the way your dad did really upsets me I'm just happy that you finally told Stiles' dad and all of this is going to be put behind you."
" What if he gets out and finds out where I am Scott?" I said holding back the tears that were threatening to fall.
"Do you trust me Grace?" He asked as he sat down next to me on the bed.
"Yeah..." I mumbled as I fiddled with my thumb.
"Then trust me when I say I'm not going to let that happen I will kill him before I let him lay another finger on you..." He said as he rested his hand on mine and gave it a squeeze. "Okay?" He asked.
"Okay." I replied before I let the tears fall from my eyes.
"Grace nothing is going to happen you are going to get through this and when it's all over you'll feel better." He said as he pulled me into his chest.
"I'm just so tired Scott I want it all to be over." I sobbed
"It will be soon I promise." He said as he stroked my hair.
We just sat there for a while until I finally stopped crying then Scott got up to call Lydia. They stayed on the phone for a while I don't really know what they talked about but she was there in ten minutes.
"Hey Grace." Lydia said as she walked in the room.
"So I came to talk to you about moving in with either me or Allison."
"Not that Scott is tired of you or anything we just really want you to have a home where you can feel safe."
"I don't know if I could choose between you and Allison you're both my best friends I don't want your feelings to get hurt."
"Then I'm picking you will come live with me we have two extra rooms you can pick which ever one you want and we can decorate it to your liking." She grinned.
"Shouldn't we ask your mom before we go off and make decisions like that Lydia?"
"My mom is all for it she loves you."
"Okay then I guess I'm moving in." I chuckled.
"Oh my goodness I'm so excited I've always wanted a sister!" Lydia shouted as she hopped off of the bed and did a happy dance.
"We have to wait until they get my dad I don't want him knowing who I'm with Lydia." I stated.
"I understand Stiles said his dad is getting him in a couple of hours he wanted to take him in his self and make sure the job got done."
"I'm just happy this is all going to be over soon I'm tired of being scared every time I walk into my house that's not what home is supposed to feel like." I said slightly smiling.
"I know I'm just happy that you can be happy now." Lydia said as she walked over and gave me a hug.
Later that day Sheriff Stilinski picked my dad up and took him to the station so he could question him. As that was happening Lydia, Isaac, Scott, Stiles, and Derek helped me pack all of my things and move it to Lydia's house. To my surprise it only took a couple of hours and we were out of there.
Sheriff Stilinski's P.O.V
"So Mr. Peterson do you know why I brought you here?" I asked as I walked back into my office.
"Well considering I haven't seen my daughter since yesterday morning I think I can put two and two together."
"Mr. Peterson do you have anything to say for yourself?" I asked as I sat down.
"About what?" He asked.
"About this? Why did you do it?" I asked getting frustrated as I showed him pictures of scars cuts and bruises he had left on Grace.
"What I can't discipline my kid?" He asked with a smug grin on his face.
"This isn't discipline this is abuse!" I shouted getting angry at his behavior.
"Hmmm I think the way I handle my daughter is none of your business if I want to beat the hell out of her for disobeying me then that's what I'm going to do she deserves it."
"Well unfortunately when you handle disobedience in that manner Mr. Peterson you get jail time. "
"Don't worry I'll get out and when I do I'll do much worse than beat the hell out of her I'll kill her." He chuckled darkly.
"Take him away!" I yelled to one of my deputies.
I don't understand how he doesn't feel any remorse for what he's done it's monstrous I just hope he's gone for a long time...
            Grace's P.O.V
It had been a couple of days since I moved into Lydia's, I was lying in bed starring at the ceiling listening to music when I heard a knock at the door.
"Come in." I called out.
"Hey..." I turned to see Stiles standing awkwardly at the door.
"Hi Stiles." I replied quietly patting next to me so he could sit.
He quickly obliged and scurried over to the bed.
"I just wanted to see how you were doing I haven't seen you since we moved your stuff in here." He said as he laid on his back mirroring me.
"I'm doing fine sorry I haven't talked to any of you I'm just adjusting to everything."
"Don't apologize it's fine I just wanted to make sure you were fine, do you like it here?"
"Yeah it actually feels like a home or at least it's starting to." I replied with a smile on my face.
"That's great umm listen I know the answer is probably going to be a no but I love you Grace and I really want to get back together...I miss you." He said as he sat up on his elbow to look at me. His words took me by surprise I glanced over at him as I thought about my feelings toward him.
"I don't know Stiles."
"Why did you break up with me Grace? All I did was love you and you left, why?" He questioned.
"The nightmares came back..." I said sitting up on the edge of the bed.
"Why didn't you tell me?" He said as he sat up also. 
"I didn't want you to worry."
"You could have told me I would have understood."
"There was more than just the nightmares going on there were other things that added to it."
"What else was there?" He asked as he grabbed my hand.
"Stiles I love you but you were moving way too fast for me I wasn't ready and it didn't help any with my father constantly telling me you would leave just like everyone else and that you were too good for me. I couldn't handle it so I did the only thing I knew to do and I pushed you away." I said all the while not making eye contact.
Stiles sat staring at me not speaking it was actually making me a little uneasy.
"Why aren't you saying anything Stiles??" I questioned.
"You said it..." He said in disbelief.
"You just told me you love me." He said  not taking his eyes off of me. 
I didn't even realize I had said it but I wasn't taking it back because it was the truth I love Stiles I've loved him all along I was just too scared to admit it.
"Is it the truth do you really love me?" He asked.
"Y-yyes." I managed to choke out through the tears that fell.
"Say it again....please?" He asked as he caressed my face and wiped away my tears.
"I love you..." I stated.
He studied my face for a moment and the he leaned in for a kiss it was really quick but when it was over I just wanted to kiss him again I didn't realize how badly I missed his lips on mine.
"I love you too Grace." He spoke quietly.
"I've missed you so much you have no idea." I spoke as I leaned in slowly this time kissing him tenderly our lips moved in sync he pulled me into his lap deepening the kiss pulling me as close to him as he could our bodies were practically glued to each other at this point my fingers tangling into his hair his hands roaming my body. 
"Oh trust me I've missed you too." He said as he pulled away trying to catch his breath before turning us around and lying me down on the bed so that he was on top of me.
"Now where were we?" He asked before leaning back in and kissing me harder this time as he grabbed my hands and held them over my head so I couldn't touch him. I resisted for a couple of seconds before I gave up. The kiss was getting steamy steamier than the other ones we've had before his finger tips played with the hem of my shirt before sliding his hands up my shirt and grabbing my boobs causing me to let out a small moan.
"Hey Grace do you want to go do something later?" Lydia said as she walked in causing Stiles and I to jump up off of the bed.
"Lydia!" I shouted.
"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry I didn't-I'm just gonna go." She said red faced once she realized what was happening.
"Well that was awkward..." Stiles said as he scratched the back of his neck.
"Just a little." I chuckled.
"So does this mean we're back together?" Stiles asked.
"Yes we're back together." I said with a smile before kissing him. 
"I love you so much Grace." He said as he pulled away resting his chin on the top of my head.
"I love you too Stiles."
I'm back for good this time I promise I won't go ghost on you like that again I'm doing much better nowadays. Thanks for reading comment and vote please:) I love you guys so much thanks for being patient❤️

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