What the Hell is Going On in This Town?"

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So lately I've been hearing about mysterious murders that have happened the past couple of weeks and it turns out the result to one of those murders was the death of Issacs dad....and now some mechanic seriously staying at home with my dad sounds more appealing then going out with my friends because I don't really plan on dying any time soon.

"Hey Grace." Boyd said as him, Erica, and Issac walked up.

"Hey guys, what's up?"

"Nothing we were just wondering what you were doing tonight, because if you aren't doing anything we wanted you to come hangout with us." Isaac said.

"Well I would hangout with you guys but with the last two murders that happened and knowing that psycho is still out there I wouldn't feel safe soooo I'm just gonna stay home." I said as I opened my locker to put some books up.

"Yeah I don't blame you it's probably for the best." Erica chimed in.

"Well if you change your mind just let us know." Boyd said patting me on the back as they walked away.

As I closed my locker to my surprise I turned to see Stiles standing next to me.

"Holy crap Stiles you scared me!" I said slapping his arm.

"Sorry I was just coming to talk to you about last night." He said looking down at his feet.

"Oh yeah..." I said leaning against my locker door.

"Are you mad at me?"

"No...I mean I was pretty ticked off last night."

"I'm so sorry it's just I couldn't lie to Scott."

"It's fine Stiles I'm just tired of arguing with you constantly..." I said turning to face him.

"I'm tired of arguing too Grace....."

"Why do we argue so much?"

"Because we care about each other."

"Well caring about people sucks."

"Yeah it does."

"Let's just promise each other that the next time we argue we won't stop talking to each other for two weeks because not talking to you sucked..." I said as I grabbed his hand.

"Okay I promise to talk to you no matter how angry we are at each other." He said pressing his forehead against mine.


Later that night I got a call from Allison...

"Grace are you okay?"


"Oh thank God!"

"Wait Allison what's going on??"

"Well Scott Stiles and Danny were at this club and from what I hear there were like six people that got paralyzed and Danny was one of them and when I heard Scott and Stiles were there I thought you were with them that's why I called to make sure you were safe."

"Well I'm safe well as safe as I can be at my house...but wait how did those people get paralyzed?"

"hmmm I don't know...bad reaction to drugs I guess."

"What the hell is going on in this town?"

"I wish I could tell you..."

"Well I'm really tired so I'm gonna go to sleep I'll talk to you later though." I said slightly yawning.

"Okay goodnight Grace."

"Goodnight Allison." I said before hanging up.

I get the feeling she knows something...I get the feeling all of my friends know something.

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