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~In the morning when I wake ~ And the sun is coming through~ You fill my lungs with sweetness ~ You fill my lungs with you ~ Shall I write it in a letter? ~ Shall I try to get it down? ~ The evening pulls the sun down ~ And the day is almost through ~ Oh, the whole world is sleeping ~ but my world is you ~


I waddled downstairs my arms wrapped around my round stomach. Flicking on the downstairs light

"Chrissy! How many times have I told you to wake me up if you need anything" 

"Sorry" I winced up at Sebastian rubbing my side "they're giving me a little trouble tonight" I smiled "I thought a walk would help."

"Come on" Sebastian sighed leaning in to kiss me, he wrapped an arm around me and guided me gently to the kitchen, I settled myself on a stool whilst he poured a glass of water. I sipped it at it lightly and watched Sebastian as he rested his forearms on the kitchen counter surveying me. 

"You know your mum said to take it easy, your due any day now."

"It's fine Bash, if the twins were ready they would let me know." I smiled patting my belly.

"I just don't want you or them to be stressed out when the time comes." 

"You do realise what happens during childbirth right hon? It's going to be stressful and painful no matter what."

Sebastian grimaced "Why can't it be easy? What if something goes wrong!" he said pushing away from the bench and pacing back and forth in the kitchen, I smiled patiently, this was the millionth time in the last several months that Sebastian had panicked. 

"The doctors know what they're doing" I soothed "if something goes wrong they will be equipped to  handle it. You're worrying to much nothing will go wrong" I soothed getting up and moving over to him placing my hand on his arm "we are expecting two beautiful children, nothing could be more perfect."

"You're right" he breathed out pressing his forehead against mine. A sharp pain stabbed through my abdomen, I cried out in shock and hunched over clutching my belly at the stabbing pain.

"Christina?" Sebastian asked panicked gripping my shoulders. 

"Honey don't panic, but we've got to go"

"Go? Go where?"  he asked. 

"To  the hospital Bash, the twins are letting us know they're ready to meet us" 

"To the hospital" he repeated, I straightened out wincing as I rubbed my belly "the hospital!" he shouted in realisation moving forwards. 

"yes, you're going to wake everyone up! Quiet!" I hissed. 

"It's happening!" he shouted "it's happening! They're coming!" I sighed in annoyance as I heard movement upstairs, almost everyone had moved out of the main house leaving it to us, but we were hosting several guests at the moment who were eagerly awaiting  the arrival of the new family members. 

"Now you've done it" I said breathing heavily as another contraction stabbed through me, the sound of several pairs of feet slapped down the stairs. 

"They're coming?" my mother asked me, looking more than a little dishevelled.

"Yes" I gritted out. 

"It's happening!" Abigail cried "I could have two nephews, or two nieces or one of each!" she squealed. 

"I still don't know why you wanted it to be a surprise"  Axel sighed carrying my travel bag. 

"It makes it more fun" I shrugged, wiping the sheen of sweat building on my forehead. 

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