Finders keepers
Losers weepers
So please get outta my face
Were you left it,I did find it,
Over there,right in that place.But you lost it,and I found it
So yes it belongs to me
So whatever I want this toy to be,
Is exactly what it's gone be.You want it back
Well suck my sack,
That sounds like a personal situation.
If you want yo stuff,
And you've had enough.
Go see the lost and found station.For what belongs to me,
But once to you.
there you might find brand anew.See there you found one,
That belongs to you.
Its all your property,
And looks brand spankin new.Its clean and fresh,
Not torn or broke.
Smells like lemon plesh,
And I tell no jokeBut wait what's that in your hands that I see.
Oh shit that's mines ,give it back it belongs to me.

Inside The Dreams Of A Dreamer
Thơ caHere is some of my inner thoughts and feelings .how to love, hate ,feel left out,yet in the middle of everyone's problems. How I care to much and some of my creatures and loves . in short here are my dreams