Chapter 5:school

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Nicole's POV
I stepped out of my car after putting on my sunglasses.
I slung my backpack over one shoulder and walked to the entrance of the school.
Ryan and Claire caught up to me.
We all looked at each other, linked arms.
We walked up to Scott and Stiles when Stiles turned and saw a red-head walked his way.
I heard the last few sentences of what he said.
"This is seriously going to be the best thing in this town that has happened since--since the birth of Lydia Martin." Stiles said.
"Hey Lydia--You look--like you're going to ignore me." Stiles said with a frown on his face.
I frowned at the red-head then walked up to Scott and Stiles with Claire and Ryan following.
"Hey Scott! Hey Stiles!" I said smiling at them, waving.
"Hey-you still never told me your name!" Stiles said.
"It was on your arm Stiles." I said.
"Oh yea. But I forgot what it said." He said to me.
"It's Nicole." I smiled.
"Nicole, I like it." He said.
I giggled.
"These are my best friends Claire and Ryan. Girls, this is Scott and Stiles. Stiles, here, is our neighbor." I said.
"Good luck." Claire said.
I glared at her," don't scare them away already!" I whined.
Scott and Stiles give me weird looks.
I shrugged.
"Well, we have to go to the main office! Do you know where that is?" I asked the boys.
"Of course they know where that is! They go to school here!" Ryan said, nudging my shoulder.
"We go to school here and we don't know where it is." I retorted.
"Shut up." She mumbled and I laughed.
"Yea, c'mon I'll show you." Scott says.
I started walking next to Stiles as Ryan and Claire walk behind us with Scott in front of us.
We walked into the school and down the main hallway.
Everyone turned to look at us.
I smiled and waved at them causing a few of them to laugh.
Some laughed, some glared, some gave me curious looks, others turned around and walked away.
I just laughed and continued with what I was doing.
We walked into the main office and the principal took us into his office immediately.
I waved bye to Scott and Stiles then sat down in one of the 3 chairs in the room.
"Good morning ladies. I'm going to keep this short because I have a meeting with another student." He said.
He placed our schedules and our textbooks down in front of us.
"Your schedules have your locker combination and your locker number on it along with your student ID. I'll show you to your class before I go get the new student." He said, standing up.
We grabbed our textbooks and schedules and followed him out the door.
We stopped in front of a classroom door and I saw our lockers were next to the door.
"Can we go to our lockers first?" I asked and he nodded.
I opened my locker and switched out my books for the books I need before lunch and put those in my backpack while putting the ones I need after lunch in my locker.
I finished the quickest and stood next to the principal.
Soon Claire and Ryan were done and the principal walked into the classroom.
"Hello students, we have 3 new students here named, Ryan Claire and Nicole, and we would really like it if you could treat them with respect and kindness throughout the year," he turned to us," girls. Find some open seats in the back and have a nice day."
He left the room.
I saw a seat behind Stiles and sat in it.
Ryan and Claire sat in the seats in front of Scott and Stiles.
There was an empty desk next to me.
"Okay class as you all heard, there was a body found in the woods last night." The teacher said.
"A body?!" I whispered to Stiles.
He turned around quickly and nodded.
He turned back around.
"But that won't take away any of our time so if you would look down at the syllabus on your desk for me..." I lost her after syllabus.
That's when the principal walked in with another new girl.
"Looks like we have four new girls in this class. Students, please welcome Allison Argent. Allison, please take a seat." The principal said then left the room.
She sat down in the seat next to me and behind Scott.
I turned to her," hey! I'm Nicole! I'm new here also along with my best friends Claire and Ryan." I said to her.
She laughs at my hyper-ness.
"Hi, I'm Allison." She laughed.
Scott turned around and handed her a pen.
She gave him a confused look but then smiled and accepted it.
He smiled at her and turned back around.
I raised my eyebrows at her and she shrugged," I needed a pen anyone." she whispered and we both lightly laugh.

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