Angels and Emails

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"I'm Zachary, and you are David Huerta, otherwise known as Envy"

*David’s P.O.V.*

              Nervously chucking I stare at Zach "What exactly are you doing in my apartment?"

Zach yawned and blatantly said "I was sent here because your father is becoming quite a bother."

My face twists into a frown and sit on the window seat murmuring "Must be nice knowing my father, in fact I envy you for the fact that you know him. I've never seen him or even had any contact with him, so what does this have to do with me? Does he have a gambling debt and he can't pay so you came here to collect money from me. If that is the case I really can't help him there."

Zach took a seat next to him and casted a glace. "Not exactly, you see your father is the Lucifer" I raised an eyebrow at that. "You have six other brothers, together you all make up the seven deadly sins, and I am an angel here that is supposed to make sure you all stay out of trouble."

I roll my emerald eyes "Very cute but how am I supposed to believe this load-o-crap that you are trying to convince me?"

Abruptly standing up, Zach awkwardly stands there until a pair of beautiful pure white wings pushed their way from his tan back. I stare in awe at the angel before him and finally broke the silence by saying

"Well now that we got that out of the way, I have a question aren't the people of Heaven and Hell supposed to hate each other?"

Zach pondered about his question for a while until finally nodding "Usually but this is a special circumstance, unless we want the world of humans to be taken over by your father and have eternal darkness, we need to get you and your brothers together to stop him." He reaches into his back pocket and pulls folded piece of paper and hands it to him.

Unfolding it, I noticed that it was a picture of a boy with blonde hair and piercing yellow eyes. Flipping it over he noticed a name inscribed in black pen on the back "Jerome De’Laut?"

He read aloud in a form of a question and he respond with a nod and added

"You must find him and get in contact with him. I will come back the day that you two plan to meet." and with that he disappeared.

Falling back onto the bed, I rubbed his hands over his face groaning. How in the world was he supposed to find Jerome? Looking around for inspiration, he sees his computer and an idea pops into his head .Racing over to the computer, he turns it on and logs into his Facebook. Going to the search bar he types in Jerome. After finding the right one that matched the picture he gets an email address and decides to send him an email.

             To: Jerome De’Laut

             From: David Huerta

                  Hello ^_^ I am David,

          I was recently doing a genealogy paper for a college class and in researching for it I found out we are brothers that got separated to different orphanages when we were put up for adoption. I would like to get in contact with you and possibly meet to get to know each other more since we are brothers.


After sending it, I slam my head on the desk. That could be most possibly the worst email I had ever sent someone. A few minutes later his computer dings alerting him that he has a new email opening it he sees that it is from his brother.

             To: David Huerta

             From: Jerome  De’Laut

                    Hello. I would also like to get in touch the more family members the better. I would like you to come over to where I live in Paris. To confirm with a test that we are actual brothers. I have already gotten you a ticket to come you will depart from Brazil at 7:35 on Tuesday. When you arrive a limo will be here to pick you up. Don't forget to bring something special.



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