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In the dream space, intersillient figures cut

through tendrils of smoke, each beat takes on

new meanings, and reality is your audience.

Delivering long, uneven lines, we’re all friends,

our issues issuing from us, deeply shallow.

No more problems. Your debit card doesn’t serve

its old purpose anymore, and the figures

in the cobalt blue grow ever tantalising.

You battle it out with the hasty clock,

eyes wide, admitting newfound natural light.

Awake. Organs ravaged. Flecks of rain

on the sill. Outside, sober citizens struggling

with their umbrellas, which bloom like black roses.

Alone, frightened, nameless in this stinking hole,

the figure beside you too obvious, emerged.

And there, brink of despair, you are the audience,

viewing yourself in the harshness of day.

This poem features in my novel CINNAMON TWIGS: THE LIFE AND PSEUDOCIDE OF A CELEBRITY. It's cheap and I'd love you to take a look : )

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2013 ⏰

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Cursory poems by a Welsh upstartWhere stories live. Discover now