Chapter 1- Doctor Who

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Doctor Who

The loud hum of the TARDIS started up. Clara and the Doctor's faces lit up, happy to be going on another adventure, another planet or time period somewhere. They were ready to get going, Clara had made sure her Sunday was completely free so there weren't any urgent things to get back to.

The Doctor was messing around with a few things in the TARDIS, and eventually his face tensed up. He couldn't control what was going on. The TARDIS was bringing them somewhere and by the looks of it, it wasn't close. Which is saying something, as they were literally expecting to go to another planet. The journey was rocky, the TARDIS shook like the top of a skyscraper in an earthquake, except a lot worse, the lights on the control panel went off and lit on fire all at once.

After landing, the TARDIS went berzerk, emergency lighting and alarms went crazy. The Doctor rushed to put out the fire and turn off all the alarms. "That's odd." The Doctor said while poking at some buttons and switches on the TARDIS control panel. "It's never done that before." But it had done that before. As far as Clara's concerned the TARDIS has never had one smooth landing. But the Doctor was just wondering why it would voluntarily bring itself to a place that would instantly set off it's alarms.

"It's always strange Doctor." She said absentmindedly. "But what is it this time?" She inquired trying not to sound as intrigued as she was.

"Well, the TARDIS doesn't seem to know where it landed. It knows that it's dangerous, clearly." The Doctor squinted at the screen, hitting it, probably thinking that it was broken. Then he began proding at the buttons again and flashing his sonic screwdriver at it. Clara would never fully understand how the sonic screwdriver works, it can do almost anything but there are only a few buttons and they all seem to do the same thing.

"Where did you set it to go to?" Clara asked standing up to go and check out the screen.

"I didn't. It left. Something was setting off warning signals from far away, I let it follow. Now we're somewhere new and not even the TARDIS knows where." The Doctor said quickly. "It's as if we're not in the universe, at least not the same one."

"You mean a parallel universe?" Clara exclaimed. "You said that wasn't possible."

"I said that it shouldn't be possible. And for this TARDIS it basically is impossible."

"But it's happened before hasn't it." The Doctor's face saddend remembering what happened to an old friend of his a while ago, Rose Tyler. She got trapped in another universe, she's fine, but the Doctor can't think about it without feeling guilty. That's one story he never told Clara. "Doctor, what happened?"

"Let's just say that if we are in another universe, we shouldn't be, and I dont want to be." He said, scared of what could happen. It's dangerous enough in their own universe, even on other planets. But in a different one, the rules change,nothing's ever the same.

"What? We're not going to take a look? Not even open the doors?" This was very out of character, the Doctor had to admit that. And he was curious. Why was the TARDIS sent there in the first place. But he still couldn't, he hated the risk. He shook his head at Clara. "Doctor please, an alternate universe that's huge!"

He didn't say a word in reply, Clara kept urging him to say something but he didn't want to explain himself. he turned on the TARDIS, tried directing it back to London, in his own universe, but it didnt work, it was out of energy. Feeling defeated he looked up at Clara, "We're leaving as soon as we can. But the TARDIS needs to recharge. We wait here." Is all he said.

"No! We should go out, it can't be that horrifying. And if it is it's nothing that we haven't faced before. C'mon Doctor."

All of his instincts said not to listen to her, and being almost 1000 years old he had quite a few instincts. But the curiosity burned inside of him, he couldn't help it. Curiosity killed the cat, he thought, but ignorance killed the human, or the Timelord.

    "Alright, we'll go." He said sighing. "But we don't interfere with anything dangerous."

"Yes!" Clara said, and they both walked to the doors. The doctor hesitated to open them, but Clara went right for it. On the otherside of the TARDIS doors was a grassy field at the side of a one lane road somewhere in the middle of nowhere. "How's that for anti-climactic."

But on the otherside of the road there was a small door, well hidden and low to the ground, blocked slightly by a flashy, older looking but well taken care of black car. They saw it at the same time, looked at each other and nodded. Then, in sync walked towards the door thinking that whatever brought the TARDIS to this other universe lay behind that door.

    There was no way that they wouldn't get into any trouble. It was their second nature.

The Doctor knocked first.

Okay so for now It's short, but this is the first thing I've ever even considered uploading so I'm just testing the waters. please no hate (if anyone even reads this)
The next chapter will be Supernatural.
By the way, all of the chapters are in the third person unless they specifically say that it's in someone's POV.

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