Chapter 2- Supernatural

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Dean's POV

It was a Saturday afternoon, Sam and I were reading up about greek mythology. It was all for a case, but Sam was such a nerd that he enjoyed it.

There was a knock on the bunker door.  A knock. Sam looked at me with an eyebrow raised. There were only two people who knew where the bunker was and everyone else was dead. But Cas had a key and Crowley doesn't even use doors, ever. Sam stood up first, "I'll get it, I guess." He sighed and walked to open the door, but not without getting his gun out first.

Cas probably lost his key again, I thought laughing. Because unless they'd been followed no one would come knocking on the door. There's no civilization around here for miles.

But it wasn't Cas. It was some weird british couple. I stood up to see what Sam and the very unexpected visitors were talking about. "We're in America. Look at that," The man said in a English accent. He had brown floppy hair and a bow tie.

"Yeah this is America. What are you doing here?" I said impatiently. Sam put the gun back in his pants, these two were not going to kill us, maybe patronize us, but not kill us.

"My, uh, car crashed on the road and we saw your car parked in front of this door so we figured you'd be able to help us." The girl said, she was actually cute. 

"Um, one sec." Sam pulled me aside, and said in a more hushed tone "Should we help them?"

"No, I don't believe them for a second." That girl was lying through her teeth. "Let's just kick 'em out."

"Too late." The man said standing right next to me all of a sudden. "We're already inside." The two strangers started looking around.

"Hey! Get out of here." I said trying very hard not to threaten them.

"We can't. I'm too curious. Why are you reading about... Pagen Gods? Do you believe in that stuff? Because I've been to ancient Greece and it's all made up," The man said, then muttered "And a few misunderstood alien attacks." But I didn't really hear him. He flipped through out books, messing up Sam's stuff more than mine which I was sure made him real pissed off. We'd been researching on a less popular God, the daughter of Athena who wasn't in any of the stories because she had been a mistake, and then a secret.

"Look at all these knives Doctor." The girl said, "They've even got swords." She picked up my favorite machete, pretending to chop of heads, which is ironically exactly what I do with it. "Why do you two have all of this stuff?"

"Okay, that's enough." Sammy said, "You're on our property we ask the questions. What are you two really doing here and why are you speaking like you've been to ancient  Greece?"

The girl spoke up with a smirk on her face, "That's the Doctor, I'm Clara, nice to meet you,"

"I'm Dean," I said, "that's my brother, Sam." The Doctor, whatever that's code for, came up to me and shook my hand, doing the same with Sam. "Now what are you doing here. And answer right, this is America, like you said, and I can shoot you. Or cut you."

"You two aren't normal are you?" Clara said, completely dodging the question. "Normal people don't have hidden lairs."

I din't answer her either, instead I said, "Answer the question."

"Clara, maybe in this dimension Gods do exist. Do they?"

I pulled out my gun, irritated beyone belief. "Answer the goddamn question." I said with my jaw clenched and gun pointing straight at the Doctors head.

"Hey, Dean, calm down." Sam said rushing to my side to lower the gun.

The Doctor made a face and sighed, "Always with the guns."

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