Desperate Measures

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Part 2 of 4. Please read Part 1 first. I hope you enjoy the continuation of this oneshot!

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About a week after Lin arrived at the school, the teachers decided that it was time to begin her combat training. Midna was nervous for her new roommate. The girl seemed so frail. No matter what the soldiers said, combat would destroy her.

Nevertheless, after breakfast all of the girls congregated on the training grounds, and all five of the teachers made an appearance. Mrs Flint, who wasn't a combat specialist-she simply ran the Academy. Mr Edwards, the swords master and only male in the Academy. Ms Nora, the lance specialist, and Midna's personal favorite. Mrs Danik, the archer. And finally, Ms Ingrid, the knives specialist.

Midna stood next to Lin for as long as she could. Eventually, though, Mrs Flint stepped forward to speak, and Midna had to join the other girls.  Lin looked back at her in panic.

"Quiet down, girls." Mrs Flint called. "Now, as you know, Lin is our new student. She is, however, also the last. As of now, our academy will no longer be accepting students. You all will complete your training within the next five years, and you will be the first females to join Ganon's army."

The girls erupted into cheers around Midna, who forced herself to smile. She could only wonder why they were happy to serve a murderer. Lin seemed to think the same thing as she glanced around with wide eyes. Midna shook her head slightly after meeting Lin's eye. Lin immediately stopped looking around and smiled, playing along as well.

"Now it is Lin's turn to choose a weapon." Mrs Flint said. "Or rather, her skill level will determine what she uses."

Ms Ingrid approached Lin first and handed her two daggers. The girl tested their weight before grimacing. "They're really light..." She said quietly.

Midna is surprised. Many of the girls  actually used daggers because swords were too heavy. Others had to use rapiers in order to avoid weight problems. Yet here was this skinny, shy girl, requesting something heavier.

Ms Ingrid seemed to think the same thing as she raised an eyebrow and took the daggers back.

Mrs Danik approached next, holding a bow and some arrows. She pointed to the wall farthest from the crowd and spoke quietly to Lin. She listened attentively and took the bow and quiver from the teacher. Without any prodding, she attached the quiver properly and readied the bow. At the teacher's command, she drew an arrow and fired. It arced decently well before hitting the wall about four feet from the ground. Mrs Danik seemed impressed. As she took the weapon back and turned to her collegues, they immediately started muttering to themselves.

Ms Nora walked over to Lin with a smile. She handed her a simple short lance. Midna stiffened in anticipation. Hopefully, Lin would do well with this weapon, and they could be in the same class.

It ended up being entirely underwhelming, though. Lin somehow managed to break the lance in half after gripping it wrong. Mrs Nora froze for a moment before laughing and assuring Lin that it was fine.

Then came the moment of truth. Mr Edwards approached with not one, but two options of swords.

"I've been watching you with the other weapons." He explained, "And it seems that you do better with heavy things, but you also excel at things that take both hands."

Lin didn't respond, but her eyes fell on the swords in his grip.

"So I want you to try these dual swords." He continued, holding them out to her, their scabbard still attached. Lin's eyes widened in awe.

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