Boys, Girls & X-men Characters ; Chapter 2 (Open Editing Always )

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Chapter Two: Boys, Girls, & Bullies.

"Always let your conscience be your guide."



"The X-men are just fiction!"

"Yeah, but I could totally be one."

"Yeah, when pigs fly."

"Pigs flying is fictional too!" He retorted smoothly as he chuckled, swinging his arm over mine and pulling me close, giving me butterflies in the pit of my stomach.

"I'm going shopping with Sarah sometime later after school... Want to come with us?"

My stomach cringed at the mention of her name as I restrained myself from screaming a "hell no" at him. I figured it'd be easier to just give him a small smile instead.

"No, I'm not feeling so well today ..." I trailed off, trying to shake his arm off of my shoulders.

It wasn't a complete lie, Sarah did make me feel sick.

"Addie, you never want to hang out with me outside of the house anymore," he pouted and fake whimpered.

Because that's the only place where she's not at, well most of the time.

"We're not home right now are we? No. So stop your whining, you big cry baby," I stated in a know-it-all tone, sliding my square black-framed glasses up my nose.

"Its drama class. You literally have to talk to me  since we're partners," he hissed, seeming a little hurt.

I stole a glance at him and couldn't help but stare. Chad Donahue. My brother - well...step -brother.

"At least consider coming?" He stuck his bottom lip out like a puppy and pouted.

Was he serious?

My eyes rolled and he turned his attention back to the totally fictional X-men movie we were watching.

I couldn't help but stare at his broad shoulders that were stiffening out perfectly and collarbones as solid as rocks. He had natural black, long hair that was currently slicked back and oh-so-sweet brown, puppy-dog eyes. I sighed internally. Is it wrong to love someone in this way? When we were supposed to be family even though we weren't actually blood?

"Jean," pssst, "Jean"

Huh. I don't know anyone named Jean.

How Weird

"JEAN." the voice turned into a violent whisper, followed by something light, but effective hitting the back of my head. Followed by another, and another.

I whipped my head around to see what the hell was going on only to see the one and the only, I sighed.

Great. Awesome. Amazing.

It was none other than Christopher Bartley, track star, homecoming king, and of course, Chad's best friend.

"What?" I hissed, annoyed, "and my name is Adeline." I glared to the ground to see that he had in fact thrown multiple crumpled up pieces of notebook paper at me.

What a D!ck.

Even in the no lighted classroom  I could see his stupid  goofy-looking, lopsided head, grinning towards me.

"Switch seats with me." he mouthed. I did debate it, but only for a few seconds.

What's in it for me?

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